Showing 416 open source projects for "there is no way to"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    A user-extensible Freemat based 1DGC and GCxGC data analysis software.

    Canvas-2DGC is a user-extensible, Freemat based 1DGC and comprehensive 2DGC (GCxGC) data visualization and processing software. GCxGC-MS data analysis is supported for Agilent GCMS data format. The first goal of this project is to provide a highly intelligent analytical tool for reducing a complex chromatographic data analysis, either 1D or 2D, to just a few simple and intuitive steps. The second goal is to provide a fast and practical way of customizing or extending functionalities...
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  • 2


    Your graphical tool for Syntactic/Semantic Structure Analysis of texts

    HermeneutiX is a tool for diagramming syntactic and semantic structures of complex (not necessarily foreign-language) texts (e.g. bible or other historical excerpts). HermeneutiX is now part of SciToS (the scientific tool set). Starting with version 2.0.0, HermeneutiX can be found on GitHub. Please check out the release summary: For an introduction, check out this video: PS: To run a Java...
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  • 3


    Analytics for AngularJS applications

    ... together. Load the relevant files in your applications html (or include them in your build script). In your application dependencies, inject Angulartics and the Angulartics plugin for your vendor. The simplest way to do event tracking is by adding the attributes analytics-on and analytics-event to the element. analytics-on always needs to be present, because it is the attribute that enables event tracking for the element. All other attributes will be inferred if omitted.
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  • 4
    Word Count

    Word Count

    Count the number of words on a specific news website

    .... I developed this tool for a friend that is a faculty in Economy at the University of Washington and Simon Fraser. This version 2 offers some more customization of the interface and the download parameters to make it more stable with some website. There is a help file to explain how to use it and customize its search. Thank me in your papers! A great way for understanding World's Economy and Sociology.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    Free OMR - OCR web sofware based on javascript and PHP FormRead is a completely free OMR (optical mark recognition) web software for scanning and grading user-filled, multiple choice forms. Create your formats with any of your office or drawing tools, scan them and parameterize their coordinates in an easy way. Once you have parameterized your form, you can print many of them, give it to your students/respondents, scan and recognize them with formread, and you can finally export the data in your preferred formats...
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  • 6
    High Speed Parallel Imaging (HSPI)

    High Speed Parallel Imaging (HSPI)

    HSPI does parallel capture and sky surveys.

    HSPI offers to the astronomer the possibility to capture pictures from the CCD camera in a fast and intuitive way, keeping under control all the instrumentation in posses. HSPI can control the CCD camera, the mount, the focuser, the filter wheel and the dome from a single interface, and not only this: these features can be added on as many observatories and instrumentations you want. HSPI is ASCOM and INDI compatible, so if you want to use particular setups like Linux computers connected...
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  • 7

    Mobile Tracking Processor

    An easy way to remove noise from mobile telemetry data

    This program takes a .txt input file containing the raw output from a Lotek SRX800 receiver and removes false detections based on a user-provided .csv of tagging data.
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  • 8

    Interactive Charts

    A simple web-based interactive chart

    This project develops web-based interactive visualisation to support the analysis and monitoring the data from the comprehensive system dynamics and agent based simulation. This work visualise the data via classical charts and graphs in an interactive way. The web-based platform enables upload csv files, mapping and display the attributes based on user’s preference
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  • 9
    CSV Comparator

    CSV Comparator

    CSV Comparator is a tool for comparing files which contain CSV-Data.

    CSV Comparator is a tool for comparing files which contain CSV-Data. It was created for performance engineers to be able to have a easy way to compare data from two testruns and be able to automate the comparing process of various files with scripts. There is a command line tool as well as a user interface. In case you need to compare .xml-Files you can convert them to .csv-Files with my other project CSV Transformer. The advantages by using CSV as input and output are the following...
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  • Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg Icon
    Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg

    Get 7,500 MAUs, 50 tenants, and 5 SSOs free – integrated into your app with just a few lines of code.

    Frontegg powers modern businesses with a user management platform that’s fast to deploy and built to scale. Embed SSO, multi-tenancy, and a customer-facing admin portal using robust SDKs and APIs – no complexity required. Designed for the Product-Led Growth era, it simplifies setup, secures your users, and frees your team to innovate. From startups to enterprises, Frontegg delivers enterprise-grade tools at zero cost to start. Kick off today.
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  • 10


    Multi-way analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project datasets

    Crosshub enables multi-way analysis of RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and methylome data of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project: 1. differential expression analysis (genes, alternative transcripts and miRNA) 2. regulatory miRNA prediction (TargetScan, DIANA microT, mirSVR, PicTar, miRTarBase + co-expression) 3. regulatory TF prediction (ENCODE ChIP-Seq + co-expression) 4. methylation profiling analysis 5. RNA-Seq vs. clinical (TNM, stage, follow-up) correlation analysis Generates Excel summaries...
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  • 11


    Adhoc Data Exploration - Live & Easy

    Adele was developed to simplify the daily work with data. Use it as a swiss knife to fill the gap between your work with spreadsheet application like MS Excel and enterprise servers like SAP ERP. Specialized tools like Rapid Miner, KNIME or similiary stuff should not be replaced. But Adele is designed for business people working with spreadsheet applications to analyse their data. There are many technical concepts in an easier way included. For example realtime OLAP, transformations...
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  • 12
    The increasing demand of next-generation sequencing (NGS) studies has remarked the necessity of integrated and reliable pipelines to analyse deep-sequencing experiments in an efficient way. We present RUbioSeq+, a stand-alone and multiplatform application for the integrated analysis of NGS data. More specifically, our software implements pipelines for the analysis of single nucleotide and copy-number variation, bisulfite-seq and ChIP-seq experiments using well-established tools to perform...
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  • 13

    PyMeG - Python Measurement GUI

    Make your complex measurements in an easy graphical way

    Inspired by the THz-Shaker ( PyMeG can be a more general and well structured framework as well as Graphical User Interface for measurements in several laboratories.
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  • 14


    Data2FCS is a simple tool to convert text data files to FCS3.1 data.

    Impressum / Legal Notice Sven Mostböck Murlingengasse 25/5 1120 Wien Austria e-mail: second contact option: use the open discussion on the FCSalyzer sourceforge page: Information: Flow cytometry software is a perfect way to analyse complex data sets with large sample size. Data can be easily visualized to identify correlations and subpopulations. Subpopulations can be selected and analysed separately...
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  • 15


    Map application using OpenStreetMap data

    Android application which shows a moving map which is created from OpenStreetMap data. It is a fork of GpsMid. Please note that Androsm is under a major rewrite. The binary release doesn't have a native Android UI yet.
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  • 16
    SemaVis (Flex UI)

    SemaVis (Flex UI)

    Semantics Visualization for Information Visualization and Analysis

    Semantics Visualizations enable understanding complex matters in an easy way. The research group “Semantics Visualization” is working on processing, enriching, and visualizing any kind of semantic data to provide visually discoverable information. Thereby processes of knowledge acquisition, human information retrieval, and decision making are supported by a variety of interactive visual representations. The developed visualizations do not only allow to investigate the masses amount of various...
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  • 17
    Colibri - The ENVI / IDL Code Library

    Colibri - The ENVI / IDL Code Library

    A collection of well documented ENVI / IDL algorithms and applications

    Colibri is a repository for source code developed in ENVI/IDL under the Open Source Initiative. It contains a wide variety of algorithms and applications which are of interest for the remote sensing community. The code is organized in a hierarchical way. At the lowest level, common code performing all kinds of basic functionality is available to the higher levels, i.e. classes and applications. Classes are object based functionalities performing more specific tasks. Both common code...
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  • 18


    more calendar conversions, epochs, JDN, moon, +

    extra astronomical / calendar / epoch features that mathematica does not have. has many new functions. supports multiple calendars (julian, gregorian, synodic, anomalistic). supports JDN conveniently, shows moon phase est. NEW: supports day number from 0 of any calendar conversion all-way between supported calendars supports multiple epochs and epoch generation. convert between some epochs without calendar support, ie, J2000.0, JDN, to some effect can create/import epochs...
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  • 19


    PDBManip is a free program for editing PDB (Protein Data Bank) Files

    ... languages such as Awk and Perl are available, and many users, uses these to do their works. However, in developing PDBManip, I have customized scripting language, by adding predefined PDB related variables and functions, in such a way that a user with a very basic knowledge of programming can easily write very eligible scripts, even for very complicated editing and manipulating tasks. In this way, proficiency in computer programming, that is a must in using Awk or Perl, is not a barrier.
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    The complexity of cellular networks is an outstanding challenge for documentation, visualisation and mathematical modelling. In this project, we develop a new way to describe these networks that minimises the combinatorial complexity and allows an automatic visualisation and export of mathematical (ODE/rulebased) models.
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  • 21


    tiny code, html webcam game or plug brain in each blob, java server

    You play a 2d blob that reshapes to grab bend bounce and swing on objects floating in midair (like a platformer game), except acrobaticly your view spins when your blob does. I'm planning a huge multiplayer world, some blobs played by people holding a bendable loop game controller (tape a 1 meter cut of thick extension cord into a loop) in front of webcam and bend it to bend your blob on screen, and other blobs controlled by AI. This is a game for general AI research in a fun way people can do...
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  • 22


    Myoelectrically Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation

    The objective of this project is to develop and promote a method for restoring motor function lost due to upper motor neuron lesion (spinal cord injury, stroke) in a way that the user has direct control over the movement. When a muscle contracts it is causing a weak electrical signal that can be measured on the skin over the muscle- even if the muscle is almost completely paralysed (paretic). At the same time the muscle can be electrically stimulated to contract. Combining these two principles...
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  • 23
    XL Toolbox

    XL Toolbox

    Data analysis and visualization for Excel, for free

    XL Toolbox is a free Excel statistics addin that helps analyzing and presenting data: Smart custom error bars, chart design, chart export to TIFF; formula builder, transpose wizard, analysis of variance (ANOVA); automatic backups, workbook management and more.
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  • 24
    The international SBGN project aims to bring consistency and uniformity to the graphical expression of network diagrams in biology, in the same way that electronic circuit diagrams are standardized in electrical engineering.
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  • 25


    Calculate primes by using extremely fast sorting

    This project considers the problem of calculating primes as a sorting problem. It includes the most efficient tree-based sorting algorithm that is possible and shows that finding a new prime can be done by sorting the differences between the previous primes in the right way. Unfortunately it has turned out that going this way is even more slowly than trying to find primes by brute force. So it can only be used as a test with heavy load for the sorting algorithm, which can be used for sorting...
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