The coronavirus dataset
Virtual X-Ray Imaging Library on GPU
R packages for PK/PD modeling , BE/BA, drug stability, ivivc, etc.
computing f2 bootstrap CI BCA
Unicode-XML-TEI text/corpus analysis platform
Structure parameter inference approach for endocrine feedback control
Incertitudes de Mesures de la Qualité de l'Air (Gaz et Particules)
Splicing Prediction in Consensus Element
Witleaf pulse oxymeter BIN format data decoder.
Classificar Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária
Class library for computational cybernetics
Bidirectional Functional Enrichment of Gene Expression Data
JAGS module for the piecewise exponential distribution
Seasonal/Sequential (Instants/Durations, Even or not) Time Series
Handling and basic analysis of hyperspectral data in R
R based pipeline for MHC-associated peptide proteomics (MAPPs) data
Splicing Prediction Pipeline or SPiP
Estimator of climate-driven, mosquito-borne viral suitability index
A pipeline to define allele-specific genomic features
R code/package for virus small RNA sequence data