Virtual X-Ray Imaging Library on GPU
Unicode-XML-TEI text/corpus analysis platform
Bidirectional Functional Enrichment of Gene Expression Data
City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline
MALDI-TOF data analysis tool
A multi-modeling and simulation environment to study complex systems
Maui is the Maltcms User Interface
Repository of desktops and programs for the Cygwin platform
Java-based scientific graphics
IAP - the Integrated Analysis Pipeline
Canreg5 is a software package for population based cancer registries
Human protein similarity network used to predict drug safety.
Supervised Ranking of Contigs in de novo Assemblies
LImits of Detection SImulation for Microbes
Integrated pipeline for HT miRNA-Seq data analysis
An open source spatio-temporal data mining library
Analyze time-course data with significance tests, clustering, modeling