NppToR provides R auto-completion and code passing between Notepad++ a
The Non-Outlier Fragment Ion ranking for enhaced DIA quantification
Software tool for optimizing data-independent acquisition methods
Human protein similarity network used to predict drug safety.
Propensity score matching in SPSS
Differential Expression Analysis for Pathways
A lot of fish in a shoal, in a gigantic scientific ocean.
LImits of Detection SImulation for Microbes
An analysis tool in MATLAB and R for acoustic habitat characterisation
A hackathon for the analysis of disease outbreaks in R
An open source spatio-temporal data mining library
Scripts and supplementary data for budden2015treeome manuscript
A graphical user interface to R for use in Clinical Chemistry
Bioinformatics related demos and tutorials using the R programming lan
Python tools for binning NGS scaffolds to various genomes.
Analyze time-course data with significance tests, clustering, modeling
A pipeline for quantitative proteomics based upon isobaric tags
Similarity, Comparative genomic, Visualization, Eclipse RCP, SimiTri