Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more
Soccer-themed 3D Sokoban Game
ASCII SpaceInvaders, Pacman, Frogger, + 10 puzzles
3D OpenGL dungeon game using Ada: a tribute to Narbacular Drop
collection of ASCII puzzles that run in a commandline terminal.
Sokoban with many families of puzzles provided.
Klotsky class block slider puzzles.
Permuted picture puzzle, allows using your own PNG pictures.
3D slider puzzles for kids; helps teach solid geometry
Unique 3D slider puzzle that looks like a rubics cube.
Teach your students how to figure out tricky texts in any language.
An implementation of the popular Sokoban puzzle game. Win/Mac/Linux
A free implementation of the nonogram game
Children's learning programming language Karel the Robot in 3D
Arcade puzzle game with balls
An open-source MasterMind clone
Sokoban clone with 3d rendering
API for all possible cellular automata that work same at all angles
Sudoku web game
Puzzle game demonstrating whats so hard about binary integer factoring
Javascript crossword builderwith i18lized math capabilities