Showing 32 open source projects for "image 2d to 3d"

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Scanning probe microscopy data visualisation and analysis

    A data visualization and processing tool for scanning probe microscopy (SPM, i.e. AFM, STM, MFM, SNOM/NSOM, ...) and profilometry data, useful also for general image and 2D data analysis.
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  • 2


    2D & 3D TeX-Aware Vector Graphics Language

    Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language for technical drawing, inspired by MetaPost but with an improved C++-like syntax. Asymptote provides for figures the same high-quality typesetting that LaTeX does for scientific text.
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  • 3
    Ion Beam Simulator
    Library for ion optics, plasma extraction and space charge dominated ion beam transport.
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  • 4


    Computation and Visualization environment

    DataMelt (or "DMelt") is an environment for numeric computation, data analysis, computational statistics, and data visualization. This Java multiplatform program is integrated with several scripting languages such as Jython (Python), Groovy, JRuby, BeanShell. DMelt can be used to plot functions and data in 2D and 3D, perform statistical tests, data mining, numeric computations, function minimization, linear algebra, solving systems of linear and differential equations. Linear, non-linear...
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 5
    CFDTool - CFD & OpenFOAM GUI Toolbox

    CFDTool - CFD & OpenFOAM GUI Toolbox

    CFDTool - Easy to Use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox

    ... and simulation in 1D, 2D, 3D, and axisymmetric/swirl/cylindrical coordinate systems - Seamless OpenFOAM GUI and SU2 CFD solver integrations ( - Built-in geometry and CAD tools - Automatic mesh and grid generation - Pre-defined equations and boundary conditions for: + Incompressible viscous fluid flows (Navier-Stokes equations) + Compressible, supersonic, trans-sonic, and turbulent flows + Heat conduction with conjugate heat transfer
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  • 6


    Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D frames.

    FRAME3DD is a program for the static and dynamic structural analysis of two- and three-dimensional frames and trusses with elastic and geometric stiffness.
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  • 7


    Scanning Probe Microscopy Controller and Data Visualization Software

    GXSM -- Gnome X Scanning Microscopy: A multi-channel image and vector-probe data acquisition and visualization system designed for SPM techniques (STM,AFM..), but also SPA-LEED/LEED/LEEM data analysis. A plug-in interface allows any user add-on data-processing and special hardware and instrument support. Latest: NC-AFM and related explorative methods as SQDM can be configured. High-Speed external PAC-PLL hardware option with digital DSP link. Based on several hardware options it supports...
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  • 8

    Fosite - advection problem solver

    numerical simulation code for solving transport equations in 1D/2D/3D

    Fosite is a generic framework for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws in generalized orthogonal coordinates. Its main purpose is the simulation of compressible flows in accretion disks. The underlying numerical solution method belongs to the family of unsplit conservative finite volume TVD schemes. The method is 2nd order accurate in space and uses high order Runge-Kutta and multistep schemes for time evolution. In addition to the pure advection code several source terms...
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  • 9


    Dedicated to computer-aided engineering Linux distribution

    CAELinux is an installable live (USB) Linux distribution dedicated to open source engineering with a focus on Computer Aided Engineering and Scientific Computing. Based on Ubuntu, it features a ready to use workstation environment for open source product development, makers and scientist with many CAD/CAM/CAE applications for mechanical design, stress analysis, heat transfer, flow simulation and CNC manufacturing / 3D printing as well as electronic design tools and a complete development...
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10

    direct data plotting and evaluation

    The project tries to supply a measurement data visualization and treatment framework being easy to use while keeping the freedom for advanced users to execute additional data treatment algorithms. Plotting is done via gnuplot and the script used to produce the graphs can be exported for later use/changes. Many raw experimental data types (mostly of x-ray and neutron scattering experiments) are supported with more to be added on user request. The data treatment includes...
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  • 11


    STM data analysis

    A tool for visualisation and analysis of STM and STS results. Currently supports RHK, WinSPM, Nanonis and Createc file formats. Other formats can be added. Tools are made available by plugins and are currently focused on spectroscopy manipulation.
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  • 12
    lottie vectors

    lottie vectors

    Create, display and process 2D vectors in a 3D window.

    ... something acting on a position with direction and magnitude. Finally you can give each position a tag to display on screen. This could be a common math symbol or greek letter, start/end signposts, or a number of the position either from the begining or after a reset. After all the information has been loaded for your dataset. Either passed over the command line, or as a text file. Lottie Vectors displays inside a figure that you can resize, rotate and turn 2D positions into a 3D picture.
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  • 13


    Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) Simulator

    SPARTA is a parallel DSMC code for performing simulations of low-density gases in 2d or 3d. Particles advect through a hierarchical Cartesian grid that overlays the simulation box. The grid is used to group particles by grid cell for purposes of performing collisions and chemistry. Physical objects with triangulated surfaces can be embedded in the grid, creating cut and split grid cells.
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  • 14
    MatNMR is a highly flexible toolbox for processing 1D and 2D NMR/EPR spectra in MATLAB and creating high-quality 1D, 2D or 3D plots. Fully GUI and/or script-based.
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    COmputational fluid dyNamics STRUctured grid CreaTor for 2D airfoils

    Construct2D is a grid generator designed to create 2D grids for CFD computations on airfoils. The grids are generated in Plot3D format. The only required input file is the set of coordinates defining the airfoil geometry, using the same format as XFoil, the popular vortex-panel code for airfoil analysis. Construct2D can create grids with O topology (recommended for airfoils with a blunt trailing edge) or C topology (recommended for airfoils with a sharp trailing edge). Now available...
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    Particle Image Velocimetry

    JPIV is a platform independent, graphical stand-alone application for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) written in Java. PIV is an optical technique for measuring fluid flow velocities. JPIV moved to GitHub. Please visit us at:
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  • 17
    einspline is a C library for the creation and evaluation of interpolating cubic basis splines (B-splines) in 1D, 2D, and 3D. It supports both uniform and nonuniform meshes, single and double precision, and real and complex data.
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    GMES is a free Python package for FDTD electromagnetic simulations.

    GMES is a free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation Python package developed at GIST to model photonic devices. Its features include simulation in 1D, 2D, and 3D Cartesian coordinates, distributed memory parallelism on any system supporting the MPI standard, portable to any Unix-like system, variuos dispersive ε(ω) models, CPML absorbing boundaries and/or Bloch-periodic boundary conditions, and arbitrary material and source distributions. GMES officially stands for GIST Maxwell’s...
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  • 19
    A toolkit in C++ and python to process both experimental and simulation data of colloidal particles. Includes among others * a multiscale particle tracking algorithm [1] whose C++ implementation is optimised for 3D confocal data. Python implementation is more versatile (2D and 3D data). * a Leica file reader, * Steindhard bond orientational order calculation * a VTK file writer 1. Leocmach, M. & Tanaka, H. A novel particle tracking method with individual particle size measurement...
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    Qi - Quantitative Imaging (PIV and more)

    Qi - Quantitative Imaging (PIV and more)

    A collection of MATLAB tools for PIV, PTV, particle sizing, and more.

    Qi is a collection of MATLAB tools for the quantitative analysis of flow field images. Our Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) tool, prana, implements a Robust Phase Correlation kernel for PIV analysis, and now includes Particle Tracking Velocimetry and sizing tools. Tools for pressure calculation, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), and 3d imaging are under development.
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    Scientific Computation and Visualization Environment

    SCaVis is an environment for scientific computation, data analysis and data visualization for scientists, engineers and students. The program is fully multiplatform (100% Java) and integrated with Java and a number of scripting languages: Jython (Python), Groovy, JRuby, BeanShell. SCaVis can be used to plot functions and data in 2D and 3D, perform statistical tests, data mining, numeric computations, function minimization, linear algebra, solving systems of linear and differential equations...
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  • 22


    Yet Another Finite Element Method Solver

    YAFEMS (Yet Another Finite Element Method Solver) is a FEM solver for Linux and WIndows that reads a MED mesh file produced by Salome ( with certain groups created into the mesh, and with the help of an input text file (.yaf), performs a 3D or 2D plane stress or plane strain analysis and creates results in plain text format and in MED format. This way a complete analysis can be carried inside Salome, where a mesh file can be created, exported and read...
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  • 23


    simulations with Lagrangian method,both symbolic and by numeric deriv

    alleged to the video 'tutorial' "the Mechanics and its Simulation". Simulation with Lagrangian method, both symbolic, and by numerical derivation. All well-grouped in folders. there is also a 'review' in 3 demos of the Newtonian dynamics: mass-spring systems. most of progs are written in C, with use of SDL lib to display simple graphics and have real-time interactivity. As to programming complexity, it's very simple... this all aims at classical physics simulation in a simple but efficient...
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    jHepWork was a name of the DataMelt program in 2005-20013

    jHepWork (2005-2013) was an environment for scientific computation, data analysis and data visualization for scientists, engineers and students. The program is fully multiplatform (100% Java) and integrated with the Jython (Python) scripting language. Currently the project is known under the name DataMelt (
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    Quantum Toolkit
    Quantum Mechanical Toolkit And 3D Viewer for C++. Allows Data Visualisation via Images, Surfaces and Volume plots using OpenGL, as well as rapid development Quantum Mechanical Simulations. Uses the Blitz++, VTK Visualisation and Qt Libraries.
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