datasw, a tool for rapid processing of HPLC-SAXS data.
Elastolix converts elastic moduli.
Astrophysical Integrated Research Environment
Advanced numerical instruments: adaptive meshing, FE methods, solvers
The Home of DMSFT, AAFFT, GFFT, and MSFFT.
Driver for GQ LLC GMC-300 Geiger Counter
Simple software to convert many kinds of unity.
solves nonlinear Kohn-Sham equation for the neutral atom.
Simulate high power rocket flights with splash down plots
Solves one-electron Schrödinger equation, with SLEPc and PETSc
sandbox particle simulator that obeys schrödinger's equation
python modules for modelling some optical systems.
Dynamics of quantum systems, controlled by external fields
Analyze molecular simulation data
Calculate electronic properties of transition metal atoms
A Modular Python Toolbox for Cross-Platform Post-Processing of Quantum
A Physics Theory for Unifying Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Phys
AFM puller control software