A curated collection of all country flags in SVG
Image loading system
Find and/or delete duplicate photos on Windows
a free library to read and display PNG images.
Generate a preview gallery for your LUTs.
A Photomosaics system written in Delphi
SlideSorter sorts images and videos, and presents them in a slideshow
Search engine using MySql and VB .NET
App maintains a slideshow image folder using Windows Spotlight images.
With this program you preview images
Reverse image search your photos. Find duplicates. Find similars
A tool for managing digital photos.
csPhotoTag assigns tags to pictures.
put a code for image
Silverstripe module to create a fullscreen background slideshow
Preview, zoom, search, sort, drag photos in HTML5 Canvas with jQuery.
Displays a new image every minute according to current time.
Galeria de imagens em PHP.