Audio Editor
The Ultimate Audio Recording Studio for Linux
A digital songbook for guitarists and other musicians
A modern yet simple multi-platform video cutter and joiner
Digital metronome that tries to be analogue
Channel Code Copy of Compact Discs
Designed to enhance the Behringer Wing digital console
Designed to enhance the X32 digital console
A chat style app for the M32, X32, M-Air, X-Air digital consoles
Digital image organizer powered by the web
Designed to enhance the new X-Air digital mixer
A terminal app for the M32, X32, M-Air, X-Air digital consoles
Control and capture GUI for IIDC compliant cameras
A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser
Complete solution for HDR photography
An mpg123 frontend of sorts, put your mp3s on your LAN.
A Sysex OSC hex string generator for the X32/X-Air/Wing digital mixers
Uility to make home movies from your digital camera files
Apodio - Gnu/linux Os for Artists & More