Showing 94 open source projects for "noise"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1
    Manifold mesh processing

    Manifold mesh processing

    Mesh and point cloud processing tools

    A suite of tools for processing and analyzing meshes and point clouds. 1) Ensuring that meshes are manifold, ie, "nice" 2) Simple smoothing/noise reduction 3) Bare-bones point cloud to mesh and robust normals for point clouds 4) Mesh simplification 5) Curvature calculation on meshes 6) Local shape descriptors on meshes
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  • 2
    The CLUNK C++ library provides support for real-time 3D(binaural) sound generation. It puts virtually no limitations on the developer; people who have experienced working with other solutions (such as SDL_Mixer or Creative OpenAL) will respect this advan
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  • 3
    Sine Generator

    Sine Generator

    combines individual sine or square waves into a single wave form.

    sine generator combines individual sine or square waves into a single wave form. parameters are frequency, frequency modulation, noise, phase, volume and wave type.
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  • 4
    It is an audio-video recorder daemon with motion and noise detection. Detecting motion it buffers captured data, so the precise moment of event beginning is not clipped. It packed with a GUI program for configuration tuning.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    A stochastic noise machine

    ApplPi is a stochastic noise machine that creates a soothing background noise for those who can't work in complete silence or need to mask distracting noise. It creates sound similar to any noise machine, but it's more musical and harmonic. Additionally, you can control the frequency (note) of the sound and choose from built-in presets of noise/sound.
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  • 6
    The Environment State Virtual Sensors for Android is a library that allows recognition of environmental scenarios in which an Android device can be found. The basic scenarios types are: Motion states, Noise states, Proximity state, ringer-mode state.
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  • 7


    Interactively create textures with Perlin noise

    Perlin noise is a form of noise with local coherence. It's used in creating all kinds of graphics, from wood efffects to marble. The editor lets you create an image with Perlin noise interactively, and save it as a gif. You can change the noise parameters, and you can edit the palette, either loading it from a gif, or using the palette editor (right click to open the color picker, left click to move the two selection points about). There's also a handy tool for tuning the palette as the image...
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  • 8
    A cross platform dual channel FFT based Acoustic Analysis Tool to help engineers analyze live professional sound systems using the transfer function. One feature is the ability to capture four sample plots, average them, and invert to aid in final EQ
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  • 9
    RNNLIB is a recurrent neural network library for sequence learning problems. Applicable to most types of spatiotemporal data, it has proven particularly effective for speech and handwriting recognition. full installation and usage instructions given at
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 10

    Gimp Octave Sharpening

    A Gimp plugin that implements the Octave Sharpening method

    Octave sharpening is a plugin for The Gimp that implements a method which produces intense sharpened images without halos or noise. If a High Pass Filter is not enough, try this.
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  • 11

    Virtual Sound Level Meter

    Virtual Sound Level Meter for analyzing calibrated sound files

    This project is the MATLAB development of a virtual sound level meter. The program will read in a calibrated .wav file and allow the user to analyze it as one would analyze a sound field with a sound level meter. The software implements Fast, Slow, Impulse and LEQ; A, C and Flat Weighting; Ln and Noise Dose analysis; Octave and 1/3 Octave band analysis; high resolution FFT analysis and spectrograms. Band analysis can be made using fast FFT methods or slower, but ANSI standard methods...
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  • 12

    WAV Speech Enhancer

    Filtering and noise gate for speech recordings

    WAV Speech Enhancer can be used to improve the signal to noise ratio of bad quality speech recordings: - Dynamic expansion - Pink noise attenuation - Low frequency noise (50-60Hz) suppression
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  • 13


    Command-line tool to generate 1D, 2D, or 3D noise textures

    Do not use this project. Go to the homepage listed above.
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  • 14


    Just an FX Processor...

    FX Processor (for guitar mainly) Effects: Noise Filter, Compressor, Wah, Distortion, Tremolo, Phaser, Flanger-Vibrato, Pitch Shifter, Delay, Reverb, EQ. Developed on QT 4.7.4. Running on Windows - using QAudio, Linux with Jack or ALSA Api. Version 0.6.0 now includes MIDI Support with a MIDI Synth, Guitar Synth and Looper. Runs only on Linux with Jack (set Jack Sampling Rate at 44100 and Frames/Period at minimum). I also would appreciate some feedback as i do not have the opportunity...
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  • 15

    EMGU Kalman Filter

    Kalman Filter for EMGU Image Processing Applications

    The Kalman filter is an algorithm which operates recursively on streams of noisy input data to produce a statistically optimal estimate of the underlying system state (Original Paper). The filter is named for Rudolf (Rudy) E. Kálmán, one of the primary developers of its theory. More information is available at Wikipedia, the Kalmn Filter was derived to solve the Wiener filter problem. The Wiener filter problem is to reduce the amount of noise present in a signal by comparison with an estimation...
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  • 16


    Mp3 decoder to convert mp3 files into wav on Linux, Windows, Android

    Mp3 decoder to convert mp3 files into wav file. Works well on Linux, Windows and Android. Can perform fast fourier transforms on decoded audio data. Under research & development by WeaveBytes
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  • 17
    Quh is another audio player that cultivates many insane/bloated API's into a very simple and file operations inspired framework. Quh aims to play everything that makes noise (including reading different text formats using speech synthesis).
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  • 18
    Smack is a drum synth, 100% sample free. It emulate both TR808 and TR909 drums and has a bunch of random drums of its own. It also has original conga drums, noise based random percussion and some other goodies. It's built with ladspa plugins and Om.
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  • 19


    music video creator for studio recording sessions

    .... Stuka works with a script file which describes mainly the output file configuration, a list of input video files with synching orders and image adjustments and a list of timeline markers to set up the layout. Stuka also provides a specific panel to help with real-time video adjustments, like color balance, brightness, contrast, saturation ans noise reduction.
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  • 20


    Quh aims to play everything that makes noise.

    Quh is another audio player that cultivates many insane/bloated API's into a very simple and file operations inspired framework. Quh aims to play everything that makes noise (including reading different text formats using speech synthesis).
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  • 21
    lossyWAV is a lossy audio pre-processor for WAV PCM audio. It reduces the bit depth which adds a predetermined level of noise to the output. The bitrate of the FLAC encoded lossyWAV output is significantly reduced compared to the lossless FLAC original.
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  • 22
    Audio Analysis/Resynthesis the way Darwin would have done it if he were only into computer music. Using a genetic algorithm to evolve a sinusoidal/noise based sound model, create variations as the audio chromosome of a sound's family tree progresses.
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  • 23
    Introduction: ZoomFX is a free tool to help in image batch process thanks to an helpful visual interface and powerful filters. Just use drag & drop to apply some filters to a bunch of images. Author: Eloi Du Bois.
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  • 24
    A buzz-like modular synthetic music software
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  • 25
    Finder Visual Filters Library is a DLL library for edit 24-bit bitmaps using the filters like "gauss blur", "noise" and others. FVFL use a DMA for all filters. Good for creating graphic editors and run-time textures creating.
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