MPlayer Mencoder FFmpeg native win32/win64 builds
Search, Download, Play, Share on Bittorrent and the cloud
Flipbook, Image Viewer and Audio-Video Player
Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more
Control windows media player ignore list.
Free Video Projector/Monitor Calibration Software
Calyp is an open-source raw video player for image/video analysis
Desktop Media Center for Windows and Linux
Open Source Broadcast Automation Software for LPFM and IPTV
Broadcast Automation Software LPFM IPTV
Pro Video & Graphics Play-Out SW, proven in 24/7 broadcasts since 2006
The best free media player for video and DVDs
Web Plugin powered by Firebreath/Qt Qml/Vlc
Control live text overlay(s) over a live video feed or file using VLC.
subseek is a software application for microsoft windows designed to do
High-level C++ framework to ease game development