FlightGear Flight Simulator: free open-source multiplatform flight sim
X-Plane plugin that displays a tablet to aid VR usage
The A32NX & A380X Project are community driven open source projects
An open source flight dynamics & control software library
A flight software and embedded systems framework
A multiplatform Flight Simulator
A simulator for drones, cars and more, built on Unreal Engine
Simulate chemical processes using advanced thermodynamic models
The 8051 Simulator for Students and Educators
Virtual Pipe Organ Software
Physically accurate and validated GPU ray-tracer
Air traffic control tower and radar simulator (solo + multi-player)
Android, UIQ 3.0, Series 60 Edition 5 open-source software
Automates the building of VANET simulations using SUMO and OMNeT++
Delay-Tolerant Networking suitable for spacecraft and ground
Development repository for FlightGear's 777 development
Internet server for Linux Air Combat
SimpleLog is a pilot logbook for desktop Windows, Mac and Linux
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for learning HDL