Aplikasi Rapor Kurikulum Merdeka dan K13
Web Online Registration and Payment System for Events
Professional full-text desktop search tool
PXE based automated Network PC Inventory and Windows Imaging Cloning
Microsoft Excel macro workbook that creates monthy calendar schedules
Render the contents of an Excel Spreadsheet with StringTemplate V4
Screen keyboards in MS Excel and in Java for typing Tibetan characters
Open source software to fit Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data
Golang library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel (XLSX) files
A spreadsheet to aid in detecting ransomware-corrupted files
Java persistence using JDO, JPA or REST
SQL Server Helping Application For Developers
A small project of scrapping data from twitter
Constructs batch commands to extract video clips using FFmpeg
A simple program for montoring consumption data
Java Schach Turnierverwaltung / Java Chess Tournament Management
A Python script for estimating the grain size from thin sections
LCT is a test designed to see the human reaction time
Stress-Strain analysis of thick-wall composite cylindrical PV
A program to create dictionaries for abbreviations or foreign words.