A PDF Reader and Note-taker for OS X
Windows eml and mbox viewer.
High performance tabular data exporter
For full, incremental, compressed and encrypted backups or archives
Display, convert, and edit raster image and vector image files
C library for reading/writing values from/to Excel .xlsx files.
Interactive 3D Layout Viewer for GDSII
Helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles
Thinking notebook and Markdown editor
Simple and flexible programming language for applications development
Software tools for processing taxonomic descriptions in DELTA format
Multi platform library to read and write schedule data
akaiutil: access to AKAI S900/S1000/S3000 filesystems
A GUI aid for designing PySimpleGUI screens.
Award-winning modern data processing in C++17/20
Text Editor based on Intel ISIS-II aedit
Read EDF File / view mapping
The allRound pocket sized CodeEditor.
Chromatic MIDI accordion with computer keyboard
Decentralized Web Browser