Cross-platform, scientific graphics plotting library
Scriptable data terminal which supports several interfaces.
A library for scientific data visualization
MathMod is a mathematical modeling software
SCADA HMI for substations, IoT and automation applications
itom - an Open Source Measurement, Automation and Evaluation Software
Altimetry profile visualizer
Didactic application to aid students in learning Numerical Methods;
Print Steam Tables; Plot diagrams and cycles from equations of state
native Grace for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X based on Qt
Simple user interface for gnuplot aimed for reflectometry data
Interactive scientific graphing and data analysis software.
PID controller design and tuning
A software to create/plot/print family trees and ancestor diagrams.
Q-Rap ( is a Radio Network Planning plug-in for QGIS
Software defined radio for Linux and Mac
Fast and easy to use plotting software.
Interactive gnuplot script editor
Client/Server based experiment and instrument control system
QPlot - 2d plotting tool based on Qwt
Plotter for Control-Systems (Root-Locus, Step-Response, Bode)