The Tensor Algebra Compiler (taco) computes sparse tensor expressions
High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable machine learning (ML)
An Internet-scale database
pss5 is a polynomial system solver, under development.
Blockchain-based distributed PKI protocol
Random data generator: secure character streams and large files
Free data backup software to synchronize files and folders
high-performance nonlinear least squares solver for graph problems
The Home of DMSFT, AAFFT, GFFT, and MSFFT.
Weka wrapper for the SGM toolkit for text classification and modeling.
Predicting ribosome footprint profile shapes from transcript sequences
A finite volume groundwater simulator
Linear algebra and solver library using CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenMP
Continuous choice of string resonance at each point live music in CPU
Realtime bigdata tool for bit strings up to 2^63 based on AVL forest
lightweight GPU-based sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV)
Error Correction Module for Illumina Sequencing Reads
sparse and dense matrix, linear algebra, visualization, big data
there are 3 observers to every curve, each seeing the other 2
Program using an extended Einstein notation with dense or sparse data.
OpenCL linear algebra benchmark GUI for CPUs, GPUs, and MIC