A Java VM for ARDUINO and other micros using the leJOS runtime.
Automate the schedule of multiple remote controlled aquarium lights
VMC control with a Raspberry PI
Script to take an SD card image created by Livemedia-Creator (such as
A simple local weather recorder for Raspberry Pi ZeroW
AndroidAuto headunit emulator
easiest way to configure video and audio player by Web interface
Random data generator: secure character streams and large files
receive digital audio and forward it to stereo coder and rds injector
User interface for Simp-BMS throuh Node-Red on a Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 8Gb image, running rtl-sdr
World's simplest facial recognition api for Python & the command line
Opensource hardware platform for Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Programmierkurs Python mit Raspberry Pi und Minecraft
A J2ME emulator for Windows, Linux, and Raspberry Pi
Rendre accessible les logiciels libres éducatifs partout.
This is actually a manipulated uelastix (popular VoIP package based on asterisk) which works with Raspberry Pi 1, 2, and 3
every project needs a solid base
Performance optimization tool for Raspberry Pi.
Pi PXE server for network booting
Configurable Editor in Python
IPFS installer for the Raspberry Pi and other ARM-based devices