A code rewrite tool for structural search and replace that supports
A Forth compiler with a little difference
C library for reading/writing values from/to Excel .xlsx files.
Orx: Portable Game Engine
Platform-independent GUI library
Java programmer's aid in useful methods and classes
Read and write Gwyddion GWY files
Simple and complete bignum/rational C library with wrappers for C++
A library for blocking access to network on-the-fly
Ada Library for heterogenous vectors
A library for hiding the local IP address from applications.
A library for secure deleting data on-the-fly
Swift library to generate differences and patches between collections
A collection of hand-crafted extensions for your Kotlin projects
WBBlades is a tool set based on Mach-O file parsing
A small customizable library useful to handle an image gallery
Assorted useful classes
Kotlin/Native interop to libui: a portable GUI library
Kotlin Coroutines await() extension for Retrofit Call
C++ application development framework, to help developers create apps
a CLI generator and and SW library
Small, fast, and modular DOM and event library for modern browsers
Libtdata is a C library implements trees, index allocation and bit ops