Showing 422 open source projects for "weasis-open"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • 1


    Automatic C interfacing for Julia

    Use CBinding.jl to automatically create C library bindings with Julia at runtime. In order to support the fully automatic conversion and avoid name collisions, the names of C types or functions are mangled a bit to work in Julia. Therefore everything generated by CBinding.jl can be accessed with the c"..." string macro to indicate that it lives in C-land. As an example, the function func above is available in Julia as c"func". It is possible to store the generated bindings to more...
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  • 2


    Algorithms for detecting associations, dynamical influences

    CausalityTools.jl is a package for quantifying associations and dynamical coupling between datasets, independence testing, and causal inference. Association measures from conventional statistics, information theory, and dynamical systems theory, for example, distance correlation, mutual information, transfer entropy, convergent cross mapping and a lot more. A dedicated API for independence testing, which comes with automatic compatibility with every measure-estimator combination you can...
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    Generic abstract algebra functionality in pure Julia

    AbstractAlgebra is a pure Julia package for computational abstract algebra. It grew out of the Nemo project and provides all of the abstract types and generic implementations that Nemo relies on. It was originally developed by William Hart, Tommy Hofmann, Fredrik Johansson and Claus Fieker with contributions from others. Current maintainers are Claus Fieker, Tommy Hofmann and Max Horn.
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    Julia library for compositional construction of SQL queries

    FunSQL is a Julia library for the compositional construction of SQL queries. Julia programmers sometimes need to interrogate data with the Structured Query Language (SQL). But SQL is notoriously hard to write in a modular fashion. FunSQL exposes full expressive power of SQL with compositional semantics. FunSQL allows you to build queries incrementally from small independent fragments. This approach is particularly useful for building applications that programmatically construct SQL...
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  • Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato. Icon
    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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  • 5


    Compatibility across Julia versions

    The Compat package is designed to ease interoperability between older and newer versions of the Julia language. In particular, in cases where it is impossible to write code that works with both the latest Julia master branch and older Julia versions, or impossible to write code that doesn't generate a deprecation warning in some Julia version, the Compat package provides a macro that lets you use the latest syntax in a backward-compatible way. This is primarily intended for use by other...
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    Load and create NetCDF files in Julia

    NCDatasets allows one to read and create netCDF files. NetCDF data set and attribute list behave like Julia dictionaries and variables like Julia arrays. This package implements the CommonDataModel.jl interface, which means that the datasets can be accessed in the same way as GRIB files opened with GRIBDatasets.jl.
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    Julia interface to GLFW, a multi-platform library for creating windows

    Julia interface to GLFW 3, a multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL or OpenGL ES contexts and receiving many kinds of input. GLFW has native support for Windows, OS X and many Unix-like systems using the X Window System, such as Linux and FreeBSD.
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    Finite Element tools in Julia

    FinEtools is a package for basic operations on finite element meshes: Construction, modification, selection, and evaluation of quantities defined on a mesh. Utilities are provided for maintaining mesh-based data (fields), for defining normals and loads, for working with physical units and coordinate systems, and for integrating over finite element meshes.
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    Automatic Finite Difference PDE solving with Julia SciML

    MethodOfLines.jl is a Julia package for automated finite difference discretization of symbolically defined PDEs in N dimensions. It uses symbolic expressions for systems of partial differential equations as defined with ModelingToolkit.jl, and Interval from DomainSets.jl to define the space(time) over which the simulation runs. This project is under active development, therefore the interface is subject to change. The docs will be updated to reflect any changes, please check back for current...
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 10


    A julia front-end for gnuplot

    Gaston is a Julia package for plotting. It provides an interface to gnuplot, a powerful plotting package available on all major platforms. The current stable release is v1.1.0, and it has been tested with Julia LTS (1.6) and stable (1.8), on Linux. Gaston should work on any platform that runs gnuplot.
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    Core functionality for the MLJ machine learning framework

    Repository for developers that provides core functionality for the MLJ machine learning framework. MLJ is a Julia framework for combining and tuning machine learning models. This repository provides core functionality for MLJ.
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    Framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models

    Welcome to Clapeyron! This module provides both a large library of thermodynamic models and a framework for one to easily implement their own models. Clapeyron provides a framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models, including SAFT, cubic, activity, multi-parameter, and COSMO-SAC.
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    Polyhedral Computation Interface

    Polyhedra provides an unified interface for Polyhedral Computation Libraries such as CDDLib.jl. This manipulation notably includes the transformation from (resp. to) an inequality representation of a polyhedron to (resp. from) its generator representation (convex hull of points + conic hull of rays) and projection/elimination of a variable with e.g. Fourier-Motzkin.
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    Functional reactive programming extensions library for Julia

    Rocket.jl is a Julia package for reactive programming using Observables, to make it easier to work with asynchronous data. Rocket.jl has been designed with a focus on performance and modularity.
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  • 15


    colorschemes, colormaps, gradients, and palettes

    Color schemes, colormaps, gradients, and palettes. Choose ColorSchemes with care. Refer to Peter Kovesi's PerceptualColourMaps package, or to Fabio Crameri's Scientific Colour Maps for more information. If you want to make more advanced ColorSchemes, use linear-segment dictionaries or indexed lists, and use functions to generate color values, see the make_colorscheme() function in the ColorSchemeTools.jl package.
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    A Julia package for solving systems of polynomials

    HomotopyContinuation.jl is a Julia package for solving systems of polynomial equations by numerical homotopy continuation. Many models in the sciences and engineering are expressed as sets of real solutions to systems of polynomial equations. We can optimize any objective whose gradient is an algebraic function using homotopy methods by computing all critical points of the objective function. An important special case is when the objective function is the euclidean distance to a given point....
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    Take Julia code coverage and memory allocation results, do useful thin

    Julia can track how many times, if any, each line of your code is run. This is useful for measuring how much of your code base your tests actually test, and can reveal the parts of your code that are not tested and might be hiding a bug. You can use Coverage.jl to summarize the results of this tracking or to send them to a service like or Julia can track how much memory is allocated by each line of your code. This can reveal problems like type instability, or...
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  • 18


    Boosted trees in Julia

    A Julia implementation of boosted trees with CPU and GPU support. Efficient histogram-based algorithms with support for multiple loss functions, including various regressions, multi-classification and Gaussian max likelihood.
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    BlockArrays for Julia

    A block array is a partition of an array into blocks or subarrays, see Wikipedia for a more extensive description. This package has two purposes. Firstly, it defines an interface for an AbstractBlockArray block arrays that can be shared among types representing different types of block arrays. The advantage to this is that it provides a consistent API for block arrays. Secondly, it also implements two different types of block arrays that follow the AbstractBlockArray interface. The type...
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    A julia code generator for regular expressions

    Automa is a regex-to-Julia compiler. By compiling regex to Julia code in the form of Expr objects, Automa provides facilities to create efficient and robust regex-based lexers, tokenizers and parsers using Julia's metaprogramming capabilities. You can view Automa as a regex engine that can insert arbitrary Julia code into its input-matching process, which will be executed when certain parts of the regex match an input.
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    This package allows one to use conda as a cross-platform binary provider for Julia for other Julia packages, especially to install binaries that have complicated dependencies like Python. conda is a package manager that started as the binary package manager for the Anaconda Python distribution, but it also provides arbitrary packages. Instead of the full Anaconda distribution, Conda.jl uses the miniconda Python environment, which only includes conda and its dependencies.
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    A fresh approach to coordinate transformations

    CoordinateTransformations is a Julia package to manage simple or complex networks of coordinate system transformations. Transformations can be easily applied, inverted, composed, and differentiated (both with respect to the input coordinates and with respect to transformation parameters such as rotation angle). Transformations are designed to be light-weight and efficient enough for, e.g., real-time graphical applications, while support for both explicit and automatic differentiation makes...
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    Branch-and-Price-and-Cut in Julia

    Coluna is a branch-and-price-and-cut framework written in Julia. You write an original MIP that models your problem using the JuMP modeling language and our specific extension BlockDecomposition offers a syntax to specify the problem decomposition. Then, Coluna reformulates the original MIP and optimizes the reformulation using the algorithms you choose. Coluna aims to be very modular and tweakable so that you can define the behavior of your customized branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm.
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    Compute reachable states of dynamical systems

    Reachability analysis is concerned with computing rigorous approximations of the set of states reachable by a dynamical system. In the scope of this package are systems modeled by continuous or hybrid dynamical systems, where the dynamics change with discrete events. Systems are modeled by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or semi-discrete partial differential equations (PDEs), with uncertain initial states, uncertain parameters or non-deterministic inputs.
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    Tools for the exploration of chaos and nonlinear dynamics

    A Julia module that offers various tools for analyzing nonlinear dynamics and chaotic behavior. It can be used as a standalone package, or as part of DynamicalSystems.jl. All further information is provided in the documentation, which you can either find online or build locally by running the docs/make.jl file. ChaosTools.jl is the jack-of-all-trades package of the DynamicalSystems.jl library: methods that are not extensive enough to be a standalone package are added here. You should see the...
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