Automated detection of the unknown early map projection
Automate your bean mappings seamlessly
Android Phone app that sends your GPS location in a SMS to a recipient
Map creator for the BattlleTech MUX
Map Generation Application and API
Design, automate, operate and publish data pipelines at scale
Shows local Websites from OpenStreetMap
The full-featured, easy-to-use desktop GIS with real processing power!
Tracks IOS, Android, Windows, and Java Me/J2ME cell phones
An extremely minimal parser for XLSX (Excel) files
Provides situational awareness of Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
Bisulfite-seq/NOMe-seq SNPs & cytosine methylation caller
Converts CSV and ODS to KML (KMZ)
GNAT recognizes gene names in text and maps them to NCBI Entrez Gene
Simple Scientific Workflow System for CAGE Analysis
A stream editor in java that can handle text/binary formats
Grid-based Java medieval RPG map editor & battle system
Map application using OpenStreetMap data