Traccar GPS Tracking System
GeoServer repository
Open source cross-platform Java Visual Traceroute
Toolkit for working with and mapping geospatial data
Simple on-screen protractror.
GPS track editor for editing tracks and planning (multiple) day tours
A Fractal Zoomer with various functions.
Open source system for GPS tracking devices
A collection of java astronomy tools
An Interactive Visualisation for Tabular Data
Little spatial viewer for geometries like SDO geometries, WKT and EWKT
JQM - Java Quine McCluskey for minimization of Boolean functions.
Tool to work on map data, to check the data and generate your own maps
Offline vector map display ported from OsmAnd
Analysis and visualization of complexome profiling data.
A view abstraction to provide a map user interface
See your friends from VKontakte on the map
Automated detection of the unknown early map projection
Android Phone app that sends your GPS location in a SMS to a recipient