Showing 1213 open source projects for "e-government"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    Um pequeno framework didático de games em Java

    Com finalidades didáticas, a ideia de criar um pequeno framework em Java, que resolva os problemas básicos de mecânicas e ferramentas para games, nasceu pelo fato do Java não ter suporte nativo a games (tipo um XNA/MonoGame da vida) e esse fato é tão realista que Java não oferece suporte nativo a leitura de um joystick/gamepad. Sendo assim, esse framework não tem a pretensão de competir com qualquer outro que já exista em Java, mas sim ser um guia de referência bem documentada de como resolver...
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    It is a wrapper of HSQLDB Database.

    This program is a wrapper of HSQLDB Database. It allows configure, start, stop and monitor the HSQLDB Database, staying in the System Tray as Tray Icon. It's developed on Java so it's platform independent.
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    Gift Finder

    Gift Finder

    Navegação em árvore binária baseada em perguntas e respostas

    ..., tomar uma decisão, navegar entre os nós da árvore binária e sugerir opções de presentes. Se o último nó da árvore for alcançado o aplicativo exibe uma última sugestão de presente mesmo que a resposta for "Não". Esse comportamento foi propositalmente adotado para caso o usuário mude de ideia. Obs: Diferente do Akinator, o GiftFinder não possui inteligência artificial, ou seja, ele não é retro alimentado de informações para a criação de ramificações e nós.
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  • 4
    The bflow* Toolbox is an open source tool kit for business process management. The objective of bflow* is to explore new ways and scenarios for the development and use of modelling tools.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5

    Informatica ExecuteWorkflow

    A utility that uses Informatica Operations API

    A Java utility that uses the Informatica Operations API allowing parameter inputs, trapping of suspended workflows and ability to send an email on failure. This utility extends the functionality of the pmcmd startworkflow and starttask command. If you pass in a parameter file and individual parameters on the command line, a temporary parameter file is created that has the values from the parameter file and appends the individual parameters. The e-mail sent is in HTML format using tables...
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    Aplicativo para simulação e solução de vigas

    Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido através de um trabalho de conclusão do curso de Engenharia Civil da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense. Seu uso está restrito para fins educacionais e não deve ser reproduzido comercialmente. O usuário é responsável pelas conclusões dos resultados obtidos pelo aplicativo. O autor, orientador e instituição de ensino envolvidos no desenvolvimento desse aplicativo, não têm nenhum dever legal ou responsabilidade por danos causados de forma direta ou indireta...
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    Fedora Commons provides open-source software to ensure durability and integrity of digital content, use semantics to contextualize and inter-relate content from many sources, and to enable the creation of innovative, collaborative information spaces.
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    Integração com Webservers do Projeto Sped, NFSe e GNRE

    Projeto inclui serviços da nota fiscal eletronica nacional, notas fiscais eletrônicas de serviços e GNRE. Pode ser utilizado como biblioteca com funções prontas ou chamar via linha de comandos para assinatura digital, validações e comunicações com webservices. NFe 3.10 NFSe Abrasf, DSF e ISS.NET GNRE-PE
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    Sistema para Geração de Relatórios Jasper com Sistemas Legados

    O programa permite usar as funcionalidades do Jasper Reports via linha de comando em sistemas legados, utilizando Datasource XML para gerar os dados do relatório no sistema legado em XML e chamar via comando para compilar o XML de dados com o Template em Jasper.
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 10
    Luz do Saber

    Luz do Saber

    Software para alfabetização e inclusão digital.

    Luz do Saber é um software educativo utilizado para alfabetização e inclusão digital que conta com duas versões, uma infantil e outra para jovens e adultos. Baseado na metodologia de ensino de Paulo Freire. Este projeto é financiado pelo Governo do Estado do Ceará - Brasil.
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    Mini Mbm
    English: Mini Mbm is the name given to the graphics engine which offers basic and essential resources to develop 2D and 3D games or applications. In this first version it is possible to develop desktop (Windows) and Android (mobile). Português: Mini-Mbm é o nome dado ao motor gráfico no qual apresenta recursos básicos e essenciais para desenvolver jogos ou aplicativos 2D e 3D. Nesta primeira versão é possível o desenvolvimento para desktop (Windows) e Android (mobile).
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    Openfiler is a browser-based network storage management utility. Linux-powered, Openfiler delivers file-based Network Attached Storage (NAS) and block-based SAN in a single framework. It supports CIFS, NFS, HTTP/DAV, FTP, and iSCSI.
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    Pdf Text Extractor

    A Java Application that extracts text from pdf files.

    A Java Application that extracts text from pdf files. User can select different areas on the pdf file and can extract text from those areas.Extraction of text can be done for single or multiple pages. Generate Bookmarks on the basis of Font Heights entered by the user.
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    Provides views, which can be validated according to Material Design

    "AndroidMaterialValidation" is an Android-library, which provides custom views, which allow to be validated according to Android 5.0's Material Design guidelines even on pre-Lollipop devices. Additionaly, various pre-defined validators are contained in the library.
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    Desert Defense

    Desert Defense

    A "Tower Defense" game

    In "Desert Defense" you are in the future, in the desert and you have to protect yourself from enemies. You can do that with building towers to kill the incoming enemies! I'm still seaching for a new desinger! -> send me an e-mail!
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    Open Information Integration
    Open Information Integration Tool Suite (Open II) is used by analysts and programmers to accelerate data integration and harmonization across organizations. OpenII has a neutral schema repository for browsing and comparing all sorts of data models. OpenII is built as a Rich Client Platform Application on top of Eclipse 3.x. Developers need to download Eclipse, install the RCP support, the Fatjar plugin and the Delta Pack in one of the 3.x flavors. Release Notes Release Date: Jan...
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    UNSW Metadata Stores (ResData)

    An institutional research metadata management repository.

    ... its MS21 program. ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative.
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    CPS Wildfire Management Tool

    CPS Wildfire Management Tool

    A wildfire decision support system and visualization tool from Emxsys.

    The Wildfire Management Tool (WMT) predicts the potential fire behavior of a wildland fire. WMT incorporates a 3D terrain viewer, the tenets of the Campbell Prediction System (CPS) and the Rothermel fire spread equations to depict fire behavior. WMT is used to adjust tactics & strategies to ensure the safety of firefighters and the effective use of firefighting resources. Requires Java 8 (included) -
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    dotCMS helps enterprises create, manage and deliver content anywhere.

    dotCMS is a content management system that helps global enterprises with sophisticated content requirements create, manage and deliver content anywhere. The dotCMS platform is best suited for organizations across industries who manage multiple brands, websites, workflows and content types across multiple languages, and need a solution that is secure and scalable for a development team to work with, but also puts power into the hands of the content & marketing teams who regularly need to make...
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    Java-Bibliothek mit Banking-Tools

    Java-Bibliothek mit Banking-Tools
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    Facturación para autónomos

    Una aplicación sencilla para la contabilidad del autónomo. Facturación, control de gastos, resumen de IVA e IRPF, informes trimestrales y anuales. Desarrollado en Java
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    Open Source Enterprise Project Management Software for PPM and PPO

    Comprehensive Project Portfolio Management (PPM) / Enterprise Project Management (EPM) for standalone projects or portfolios of projects. Built-in blog and wiki functionality. Professional services and support available: see
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    Gestão de Expediente | Mailroom Management

    NOTA: Esta versão do MoreDoc já não é suportada. Uma nova versão será disponibilizada em breve, também em modelo open-source. NOTE: This version of MoreDoc is no longer supported. A new version is comming soon, also in open-source model. O MoreDoc é um projecto desenvolvido pela MoreData especificamente concebido para a gestão de expediente. O MoreDoc tem por base a plataforma open-source Alfresco. Para mais informações consulte a página do projecto. MoreDoc is a project developed...
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    HHS Digital Media API Platform

    HHS Digital Media API Platform

    Syndicate text and multimedia content with this API and storefront.

    Use this suite of Application Programming Interface (API) platforms to share web content across multiple channels. Mobile and tablet applications, widgets, and web pages may use the APIs to deliver and update content. The APIs allow content reuse and reduce development costs and product time-to-market. The APIs are available as .NET or Java instances. For more information, see the ReadMe.txt file in the downloadable zip archive. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and...
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    E-Sport Drivers for the Razer Nostromo

    Deprecated - please use Keyboarding Master: jnostromo provides drivers for the Razer Nostromo & Belkin N52/N52te designed to be E-Sport legal. Profiles are unique user defined keymappings and can be created for each game. Each profile can have up to 8 unique keymaps with mappings to switch between keymaps. jnostromo includes an easy to use configuration gui to map keys from the nostromo to the keyboard and/or mouse. The configuration...
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