Termux X11 add-on application
A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal
Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs
A powerful server and network library, including coroutine
The xfrpc project is an implementation of frp client written in C
Network library for developing TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket/MQTT client
SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C
AWS library to sign AWS HTTP requests with Signature Version 4
RFC 3986 URI parsing and processing libary
Native Midnight Commander 4.8.30 for Windows/Win32
Cross-platform BBS (ANSI) Terminal
Lightweight, open-source SSH/telnet client
Arduino ESP32-S2-Mini v1.00 Wemos | Firmware PS4 900x HOST Wifi AP
Browse on Tor/i2p, Anon p2p Chat / FileTx, Conf / Video VoIP
Universal server
a free, multiplatform console-mode gopher client
Portable C library for proxy client support using standard SOCKETs.