Showing 46 open source projects for "gl open for pcsx2"

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  • 1


    The Playstation 2 emulator

    PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine that manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits. The PCSX2 project has been running for more than ten years. Past versions could only run a few public domain game demos, but newer versions can run most games at full...
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  • 2


    Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework

    .... libGDX comes with batteries included. Write 2D or 3D games and let libGDX worry about low-level details. Heavy emphasis is put on avoiding garbage collection for ART/JavaScript by careful API design and the use of custom collections. libGDX is a well proven and reliable framework with a sound base and documentation. Furthermore, there are plenty of games built on top of libGDX, many of which are open source.
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  • 3


    C++ OpenGL 3D Game Dev Lib [moved to:]

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  • 4
    Linux Air Combat

    Linux Air Combat

    Combat Flight Simulator for LINUX. WW2. Network and VOIP. Open-source.

    WW2 Combat Flight Simulator. Free. Current Version: 9.77. This is now the world's leading open-source combat flight sim for LINUX. Linux Air Combat ("LAC") was derived from the classic "gl-117" game, after a huge re-write to create a far more realistic plane simulator. LAC runs on almost any desktop LINUX system (even Steam Deck & Raspberry Pi) and generates smooth, high-performance flight. Clean, open source code provides an easy option to compile it yourself, or use our precompiled...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 5


    A real-time 3D Engine written in Ada

    GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D. GLOBE_3D is a free, open-source, real-time 3D Engine written in Ada, based on OpenGL. Up-to-date GL bindings - portal rendering - binary space partition - object I/O - tools for importing - and more... More information on... Alire crate: Mirror:
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  • 6


    A java 3d simple virtual celestial globe. Source code available

    VirtualCelestialGlobe 1.2.7b World Globe 0.0.7 A simple java 3d virtual celestial and world globe. Rotate the globe, magnify it, select the level of detail to show stars and constellations, and the ecliptic. Source code available to everyone to modify it. Star catalogue from Wikipedia. Available plain text star catalogue. Total stars number now reaches 1038. Using Phong shading. No Open GL. Package contains also Astronomical tools: Planetarium 1.2.0 JMoon View 1.0.0 JSky View...
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  • 7


    A Button replacement for Alt+Tab in EQ

    UPDATE: ****************************** I am no longer updating this project. I discovered a project from Microsoft called boxcar. It does what I wanted to do even better than I was planning to make my code so hopefully it will work for you too. I will leave this up for those who still want to use it. MS Boxcar: I will upload the source code at some point and share that also. **************** This little utility just...
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  • 8


    Source port of Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife developed in Delphi

    This is a source port of the games Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife developed in Delphi. Source code repository: Many features have been added to take advantage of modern hardware: -External hi-res textures -Advanced 32 bit color software rendering -OpenGL support -Quake (md2) models -Sloped floors & ceilings -3d middle floors -Voxels -Dynamic lightmaps -mp3 music -Custom actor definition -and many more... In addition provides...
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  • 9
    Vivid 3D

    Vivid 3D

    Vivid is a modern C++ 3D engine using OpenGL4+

    Vivid is a modern C++ 3D engine using OpenGL4+. It is written using Visual C++ 2022, and relies on several open source projects to achieve it's goal of making it easy and run to make modern games with it.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 10


    Simple java football game

    Simple java football game, work in progress. Basically the graphics is 2D, no Open GL. Play with classic Top or Side view, you can select it from the start! You can choose between 8 teams, and if to play aginst AI or to put AI va AI. Select the Pitch type: plain, stripes, chess, circles, winter. Select the Helf Length too (in seconds). Source Code available. Currently available teams: Argentina, Brasil, England, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain
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  • 11


    Modern 3D engine and IDE written using C# and C++.

    Modern 3D engine and IDE written using C# and C++. Vivid features all the required functionality to write modern apps ang games. Including a fully working custom GL UI called "ResonanceUI". It features lighting and shadows(Unified) and can even embed and playback videos via FFMPEG, in the UI or full screen, with fully synced audio+picture. It offers two scripting solutions: C# and a custom language called VividScript, which is an OOP style language. The Editor is based on other modern...
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  • 12


    JLojch permite ver la lista de juegos compatibles en PS2 [HDD,USB,RED]

    ¿Que Es JLOJCH y para que sirve? Es una aplicación java, que sirve para consultar, añadir y modificar y borrar juegos del listado de juegos compatibles con: -HDLoader/HDAdvance -Open PS2 Loader -USBExtreme/USBAdvance -ESR -PCSX2 para poder tener un acceso rápido y eficaz, y poder entre tod@s mantener todos los listados actualizados en una sola aplicación, en un solo lugar todo en un mismo sitio unificado para todas las personas que...
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  • 13
    Android Game Engine

    Android Game Engine

    Multi-threaded game engine for Android

    AGE is a multi-threaded game engine for Android with OpenGL ES2 shader-based rendering. In-depth GL knowledge isn't necessary to start; use the OBJ loader to import models from Blender and elsewhere, attach textures, and start rendering! Threads run different activities, e.g. initialization, framerate, timer, game cycle. Apartment model with message passing. The drawing cycle is inverted from typical game loops. Framerate has a dedicated timer, and SurfaceView is in on-demand rendering mode...
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  • 14
    Space Hockey iphone game

    Space Hockey iphone game

    touch based iphone game

    This is a game I wrote and released some years ago on the iPhone store. As of 2016 I am releasing it as open source, for you to redistribute or modify as you wish - if you are looking for something to learn iphone development with it may be useful to you. The original release used music files which were paid for by me, due to licensing concerns they have been removed, and the files replaced by silent mp3's, please replace them with the music of your choice! This program...
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  • 15


    PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux

    PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux, started by the same team that brought you PCSX (a Sony PlayStation 1 emulator). Currently, it can emulate thousands of games at full speed
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  • 16

    Space Game

    c++ game

    Fight the computer to the death!
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  • 17


    simple chess app

    2020: MOVED TO -- because it's 2020... Version 3 fork of desqchess. DESQChess will be an easy to use, easy to add on to, easy to animate chess system. Useful for apps, tablets apps, and desktop systems. Plans for other plugins include: - Add plugin to connect to animation system (web GL) - Connect to other open-source software such as Blender, illustrator, GIMP, and Vector graphic manipulation programs.
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  • 18
    A MMORPG Game Engine Writted in Monogame GL full C# Very easy to make a game. With simple Level Editor. Whit cross-plattform Server on .NET Core Tecnology Build your Cross-Platform Game whitout programming! Aviable for Xbox one, PS4, Android, iOS and more platform. Try Live Demo: Project are migrated on Mire Engine. See Updated at:
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  • 19
    Game Launcher

    Game Launcher

    A Windows tray application that launches your games, quickly

    Game Launcher is a simple application that lives in your notification area/system tray. It maintains a list of games you choose to have on it, and allows you to launch those games from anywhere by right-clicking the icon, or pressing Windows+G on your keyboard. GL supports various methods of adding games, including: browsing for the shortcut, drag'n'drop, shell integration, and direct input of a Steam App ID. Support and bug requests for GL is handled by the GitHub project's issue tracker...
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  • 20
    Lagrange Rally 3D

    Lagrange Rally 3D

    3D vehicle simulator based on Lagrangian dynamics to simulate dynamics

    ... derivatives are done with finite differences, so it's all simple. in 3 videos I explain all the mechanics and its simulation up to this simple but pow method.Pure Lagrangian mechanics until now has not been used much or at all,in simulation videogames,but i decided to try it because it was promising, very simple compared to the fnal results, and there was not much docu on its use in simulation games: this lack was completed now. will com also a non-GL version vid:
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  • 21


    realistic but simple flight simulator: exploration and casual landing

    ... also a non-GL version that displays whole 3D gfx with a procedure at whose end pixels are displayed with SDL, asciiart, of native Linux X11 graphics of native Win graphics. Ofc ourse OpenGL is very useful for displaying nice trees... . it's a single sourcefile program. USAGE: in any Linux/UNIX system (es.Ubuntu) download the zip and place it in your home directory; extract the zip. open a Terminal and navigate int the folder of the game;type this: "make";press ENTER; double-click the a.out
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  • 22

    Comet Pinball

    A libgdx pinball game.

    Comet Pinball is a classic arcade game implemented in Java. It uses the libgdx game library with Open GL graphics and Box2d physics. The game is designed to use highly customizable play fields. Starting the game will create an XML file which defines the play field. Feel free to edit by using the game manual as a reference.
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  • 23
    Dutch open source game, playing in the Netherlands, written in Duch to get dutch people involved with Java and Open GL.
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    A cross-platform OpenGL based lightweight scenegraph library

    RenderTools is an OpenGL based scenegraph library in C++ for Windows, OSX and IOS supporting OpenGL|ES1.1, ES2.0, OpenGL1.5 and up to the latest version (currently 4.2). It allows the developer to easily (de)serialize a scenegraph to-and-from xml, create renderbuffers, framebuffers, samplers, vertexbuffers etc. and cross-reference those items. RenderTools allows you to completely specify an application, its resources, viewcontrollers and its renderpasses in one single xml. GraphNodes such...
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  • 25


    An adaptation of the well-known "Tetris" game.

    An adaptation of the well-known "Tetris" game. It uses Open GL 1.1 for rendering.
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