Frameworks for Apple iPhone

View 32 business solutions
  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation

    Nimbus is a toolkit for experienced iOS software designers. It provides well-documented, modular components that solve a number of common iOS software requirements. This includes: a rich text label with hyperlinks; a web view controller; a simple approach to table models, radio groups, and table actions; standardized interapp communication, and powerful debugging tools, amongst many other features. Nimbus' goal is to provide tools that fill missing gaps in Apple's frameworks. This includes simplifying common tasks, such as creating RGB colors, and providing additional features that Apple has not yet or may not implement, such as photo viewers. By using Nimbus you will save countless hours of development time. We've found that after a point you won't want to build a project without it. There are two primary forms of documentation for Nimbus, autogenerated documentation and community documentation.
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  • 2


    Framework to create a beautiful and engaging onboarding experience

    Each onboarding experience is comprised of two primary components, the background and the content pages. The background includes the static background image/video, the page control, and the skip button. The content pages are made up of four pieces, an image/icon, title, body, and action button. Create individual pages by creating instances of OnboardingContentViewController. Provide a title, body, image, text for an action button, and within the action block handle whatever you want to do when the users press the button. If you don't want a button, you can leave both the button text and action handler nil. Then create the OnboardingViewController by providing either a background image or a URL to a local video file in your project, and an array of content view controllers you just created. You can then present the view modally and get the onboarding process started!
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  • 3
    Onsen UI

    Onsen UI

    Mobile app development framework and SDK

    The most beautiful and efficient way to develop HTML5 hybrid and mobile web apps. Experience streamlined development with zero-time setup, using the technologies you already know and love, Javascript, HTML and CSS. A rich variety of UI components specially designed for mobile apps. Onsen UI provides tabs, side menu, stack navigation and tons of other components such as lists and forms. They all have iOS and Android Material design support, with automatic styling that will change the appearance of the app based on the platform. With Onsen UI you can truly support both Android and iOS with the same source code. Worried that PhoneGap / Cordova apps are slow? Fear not! All animations in Onsen UI have been tuned and optimized to perform well on a wide range of devices. We take great care to ensure that apps made using Onsen UI feel smooth even on lower end devices. Onsen UI is easy to learn while being a powerful tool to create complex mobile apps.
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    This is a pure JAVA API to handle paste image and upload it

    Accessing clipboard is nothing very new in HTML 5. Gone are the days to print the screen of your computer, save it and upload it t server via File Up-loader. We , instead, experience the richness of the web by simply pasting our content on the web page itself. A very good example of the same may be experienced when you paste a screen shot on Github web itself . This project encourages developers to have such facility in the simple Java web application they develop. It's assumed that these developers are not using JSF Vaadin or ZK- any RIA framework already providing a component for uploading your clipboard content . This API is for those who use vanilla Servlet /JSP with some client side framework like Angular JS and Bootstrap , for example. The target beneficiary of this project are those who restrict server side to Vanilla Servlet /JSP and might come across such need often.For them, this API is good with regard to simplicity and over-head. Plus, YOU NEED NOT CODE at all.
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 5
    Perfect: Server-Side Swift

    Perfect: Server-Side Swift

    The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers

    Perfect is a web server and toolkit for developers using the Swift programming language to build applications and other REST services. It lets developers build using only Swift to program both the client-facing and server-side of their projects. It’s the ideal backbone for cloud and mobile technologies. Developers can be more productive and efficient using Perfect to write less code and work in one fundamental language for all their needs. With Perfect, you can write an entire project in one language: Swift - instead of having multiple languages to contend with, like JavaScript (Node.js), Java, Ruby or Python. Use Apple’s open source Swift programming language throughout your entire development process. Whether you’re building iOS and OS X apps, or backend support for web apps, wearable technologies, and games, you don’t need to learn another programming language when you use Perfect on the server-side.
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    A Swift framework for parsing and formatting phone numbers

    Swift 5.3 framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber. Import PhoneNumberKit at the top of the Swift file that will interact with a phone number. All of your interactions with PhoneNumberKit happen through a PhoneNumberKit object. The first step you should take is to allocate one. A PhoneNumberKit instance is relatively expensive to allocate (it parses the metadata and keeps it in memory for the object's lifecycle), you should try and make sure PhoneNumberKit is allocated once and deallocated when no longer needed. To parse a string, use the parse function. The region code is automatically computed but can be overridden if needed. PhoneNumberKit automatically does a hard type validation to ensure that the object created is valid, this can be quite costly performance-wise and can be turned off if needed.
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    Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework

    RIBs is the cross-platform architecture framework behind many mobile apps at Uber. The name RIBs is short for Router, Interactor and Builder, which are core components of this architecture. This framework is designed for mobile apps with a large number of engineers and nested states. Shared architecture across iOS and Android. Build cross-platform apps that have similar architecture, enabling iOS and Android teams to cross-review business logic code. Testability and Isolation. Classes must be easy to unit test and reason about in isolation. Individual RIB classes have distinct responsibilities like routing, business, view logic, creation. Plus, most RIB logic is decoupled from child RIB logic. This makes RIB classes easy to test and reason about independently. Tooling for developer productivity. RIBs come with IDE tooling around code generation, memory leak detection, static analysis and runtime integrations.
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    Framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources

    RestKit is a modern Objective-C framework for implementing RESTful web services clients on iOS and Mac OS X. It provides a powerful object mapping engine that seamlessly integrates with Core Data and a simple set of networking primitives for mapping HTTP requests and responses built on top of AFNetworking. It has an elegant, carefully designed set of APIs that make accessing and modeling RESTful resources feel almost magical. You can even access the Twitter public timeline and turn the JSON contents into an array of Tweet objects. RestKit is designed to be modular and each module strives to maintain a minimal set of dependencies across the framework and with the host platform. At the core of library sits the object mapping engine, which is responsible for transforming objects between representations (such as JSON/XML <-> local domain objects). The object mapping engine is built on top of the Key-Value Coding (KVC) informal protocol.
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    Create hand-drawn, sketchy, comic shape in Swift

    Create hand-drawn, sketchy, comic shape in Swift. RoughSwift allows us to easily make shapes in a hand-drawn, sketchy, comic style in SwiftUI. Use the generator in draw function to specify which shape to render. The returned CALayer contains the rendered result in the correct size and is updated every time the generator is instructed. The beauty of CALayer is that we can further animate, transform (translate, scale, rotate) and compose them into more powerful shapes.
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 10
    SIPF - Simple Intelligent PHP Framework

    SIPF - Simple Intelligent PHP Framework

    This is a base PHP framework for making simple websites with clean URL

    SIPF: Simple Intelligent PHP Framework Simeon Ivaylov Petrov Framework SEO Ideological PHP Framework (SEO - Search Engine Optimization) This is a base PHP framework for making simple websites with clean URLs. It is absolutely free! It's developed for advanced php web developers but if you are a beginner in php programming, I think you can also understand how does it work. SIPF is not a CMS (Content Management System) and it doesn't use the MVC (Model View Controller) logic as most of the PHP frameworks do. I made it using my own logic and I think the final product that came out is very simple to understand and using it to develop your own website will be very easy, too.
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  • 11


    Simple, fast, versatile and full-featured services framework

    One framework to power them all. Write your HTTP APIs once and take advantage of end-to-end typed integrations for all popular web, mobile and desktop platforms. ServiceStack's primary goal is to enhance the value of System APIs which serve as the blueprint that most features centered around. By using simple & pure dependency-free DTO models decoupled from any implementation we're free to continue layering on features which now sees ServiceStack APIs as the most versatile in the world where the same high-performance APIs can be consumed from HTTP in any combination of Route, QueryString, FormData or a myriad of data formats, via popular resilient MQ Servers whilst simultaneously supporting legacy integrations like SOAP or adopting new technologies like gRPC without sacrificing any native HTTP integrations. To maximize the value of APIs we're focused beyond the API boundary by making it as simple as possible for API Consumers to call your APIs.
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  • 12

    Software Automation Framework Support

    Multiplatform data-driven test automation execution services

    SAFS is a software test automation framework supporting data-driven (aka keyword-driven) functional test automation and associated services. The framework can run stand-alone on Windows, Linux, and Mac as well as integrate the use of IBM Rational Functional Tester, IBM Rational Robot, Smart Bear/AutomatedQA Test Complete, Apple XCode UIAutomation, Android SDK Automaton, Thoughtworks Selenium, and several other tools. Among other features, it provides advanced support of language localization testing (NLS) allowing the same tests to work for many different languages or test configurations. With various different tool configurations SAFS can be used to test Java, Web/Html, Flex, .Net, WPF, Win, iOS, and Android domains natively. And with advanced Image-Based Testing support built-in SAFS can be used to test virtually anything, anywhere.
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    Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS apps

    Full configurable spreadsheet views user interfaces for iOS applications. With this framework, you can easily create complex layouts like schedules, Gantt charts, and timetables as if you are using Excel.
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    Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX

    Starscream is a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) library in Swift. Once imported, you can open a connection to your WebSocket server. Note that socket is probably best as a property, so it doesn't get deallocated right after being setup. After you are connected, there is either a delegate or closure you can use for process WebSocket events. The writeData method gives you a simple way to send Data (binary) data to the server. The writeString method is the same as writeData, but sends text/string. The writePing method is the same as write, but sends a ping control frame. Starscream will automatically respond to incoming ping control frames so you do not need to manually send pongs. You can override the default websocket headers, add your own custom ones and set a timeout. Update docs on how to load certificates and public keys into an app bundle, use the builtin pinner and TrustKit.
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    Ajax for Node.js and browsers (JS HTTP client)

    SuperAgent is light-weight progressive ajax API crafted for flexibility, readability, and a low learning curve after being frustrated with many of the existing request APIs. It also works with Node.js! Small progressive client-side HTTP request library, and Node.js module with the same API, supporting many high-level HTTP client features. Browser-ready versions of this module are available via jsdelivr, unpkg, and also in the node_modules/superagent/dist folder in downloads of the superagent package. If you are using browserify, webpack, rollup, or another bundler, then you can follow the same usage as Node. SuperAgent is easily extended via plugins. The Node client supports making requests to Unix Domain Sockets. DELETE, HEAD, PATCH, POST, and PUT requests can also be used, simply change the method name. Absolute URLs can be used. In web browsers absolute URLs work only if the server implements CORS.
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    Network application framework for protocol servers and clients

    SwiftNIO is a cross-platform asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. Low-level protocol implementations are often a collection of ChannelHandlers that implement a protocol but still require the user to have a good understanding of SwiftNIO. Often, low-level protocol implementations will then be wrapped in high-level libraries with a nicer, more user-friendly API. High-level implementations are usually libraries that come with an API that doesn't expose SwiftNIO's ChannelPipeline and can therefore be used with very little (or no) SwiftNIO-specific knowledge. The implementations listed below do still do all of their I/O in SwiftNIO and integrate really well with the SwiftNIO ecosystem. SwiftNIO aims to support all of the platforms where Swift is supported. Currently, it is developed and tested on macOS and Linux.
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    Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux

    Swinject is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift. Dependency injection (DI) is a software design pattern that implements Inversion of Control (IoC) for resolving dependencies. In the pattern, Swinject helps your app split into loosely-coupled components, which can be developed, tested, and maintained more easily. Swinject is powered by the Swift generic type system and first-class functions to define the dependencies of your app simply and fluently. Services must be registered to a container before they are used. The typical registration approach will differ depending on whether you are using SwinjectStoryboard or not.
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    Uniform deep learning inference framework for mobile

    TNN, a high-performance, lightweight neural network inference framework open sourced by Tencent Youtu Lab. It also has many outstanding advantages such as cross-platform, high performance, model compression, and code tailoring. The TNN framework further strengthens the support and performance optimization of mobile devices on the basis of the original Rapidnet and ncnn frameworks. At the same time, it refers to the high performance and good scalability characteristics of the industry's mainstream open source frameworks, and expands the support for X86 and NV GPUs. On the mobile phone, TNN has been used by many applications such as mobile QQ, weishi, and Pitu. As a basic acceleration framework for Tencent Cloud AI, TNN has provided acceleration support for the implementation of many businesses. Everyone is welcome to participate in the collaborative construction to promote the further improvement of the TNN inference framework.
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    TangramKit is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Swift

    TangramKit is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Swift. It integrates the functions with Android layout, iOS AutoLayout, SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox, and Bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, TableLayout, FlowLayout, FloatLayout, and LayoutSizeClass to build your App. UIView UITableView UICollectionView. TangramKit is a simple and easy Swift framework for iOS view layout. The name comes from the Tangram of China which provides some simple functions to build a variety of complex interfaces. It integrates functions.
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    Tesseract OCR iOS

    Tesseract OCR iOS

    Tesseract OCR iOS is a Framework for iOS7+

    Use Tesseract OCR in iOS 9.0+ projects written in either Objective-C or Swift. Easy and fast. Tesseract OCR iOS and TesseractOCR.framework are distributed under the MIT license. These are the current versions of the upstream bundled libraries within the framework that this repository provides, Tesseract 3.03-rc1, Leptonica 1.72, Image libraries, Libtiff 4.0.4, Libpng 1.6.18, and Libjpeg 9a.
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  • 21
    Twitter Image Pipeline

    Twitter Image Pipeline

    Twitter Image Pipeline is a robust and performant image loading

    The Twitter Image Pipeline is a streamlined framework for fetching and storing images in an application. The high-level concept is that all requests to fetch or store an image go through an image pipeline which encapsulates the work of checking the in-memory caches and an on disk cache before retrieving the image from over the network as well as keeping the caches both up to date and pruned. Twitter Image Pipeline came to fruition as numerous needs rose out of Twitter for iOS use cases. The system for image loading prior to TIP was fragile and inefficient with some severe edge cases. Designing a new framework from the ground up to holistically approach the need for loading images was the best route and led to TIP.
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    Hybrid framework to speed up the first screen of websites

    VasSonic is a lightweight and high-performance Hybrid framework developed by tencent VAS team, which is intended to speed up the first screen of websites working on Android and iOS platform. VasSonic is a lightweight and high-performance Hybrid framework developed by tencent VAS team, which is intended to speed up the first screen of websites working on Android and iOS platform. Not only does VasSonic supports the static or dynamic websites which are rendered by server, but it is also compatible with web offline resource perfectly. VasSonic uses custom url connection instead of original network connection to request the index html, so it can request resource in advance or parallel to avoid waiting for the view initialization. In this parallel case, VasSonic can read and render partial data by WebKit or Blink kernel without spending too much time waiting for the end of data stream.
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  • 23

    WP-Desktop for Desktop

    A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your taskbar. A control panel for all your WordPress sites. Write and design with no other browser tabs to distract you. Switch easily between managing your WordPress sites and your favorite desktop apps. The desktop app builds upon the already fast by bundling the entire site as a local copy. You get near-instant page-loads and less waiting around. The desktop app will scale to any size. Do you need a small window on the side to keep your eye on notifications, or do you want to expand to a truly full screen for a zen writing experience? Take your pick. Manage or create your WordPress blog or website right from your iOS device: create and edit posts and pages, upload your favorite photos and videos, view stats and reply to comments. With WordPress for iOS, you have the power to publish in the palm of your hand.
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    Tailor-made UI framework for WeChat web development

    WeUI is a UI framework that was officially designed by the WeChat design team and tailor-made for WeChat web development. It contains a set of basic style libraries that are consistent with WeChat’s standard visual experience. WeUI was made to ensure that WeChat users could have the same clean, uniform experience with all WeChat web services, and to make their perception of WeChat applets more unified and cohesive. WeUI covers everything from form factors (buttons, lists, sliders, etc.) and basic components (articles, badges, footers, galleries, etc.), through to search, navigation and leveling of page elements.
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  • 25


    Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js

    Adding helper functions, or more complicated sets and combinations of existing commands is simple and really useful. WebdriverIO can be run on the WebDriver Protocol for true cross-browser testing as well as Chrome DevTools Protocol for Chromium based automation using Puppeteer. The huge variety of community plugins allows you to easily integrate and extend your setup to fulfill your requirements. WebdriverIO allows you to automate any application written with modern web frameworks such as React, Angular, Polymeror Vue.js as well as native mobile applications for Android and iOS. It comes with smart selector strategies that can, e.g. using the react$ command, fetch React components by its component name and filter it by its props or states. A similar command called $shadow provides the ability to fetch elements within the shadow DOM of a web component.
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