A Fortran interface to the YAJL library
COmputational fluid dyNamics STRUctured grid CreaTor for 2D airfoils
Modeling and simulation tool for continuous and hybrid systems.
Build and run environment for HPC codes on Windows
Advanced numerical instruments: adaptive meshing, FE methods, solvers
A full featured cross-platform image library
XDrawChem is an application for chemistry drawing and analysis.
The unofficial binary for PSICOV: Protein Sparse Inverse COVariance
Former home of the Virtual Cell platform (VCell), see http://vcell.org
Simulation of EPR spectra of nitroxide biradicals
Gauss-Kronrod quadrature on several variables.
Simulation, analysis, and management of the movement of water
Thickness Measurement Tool for SRIM
Moved to https://github.com/davidgiven/ack