ORBIT : Operating Business Intelligence Tool
Gestión de No Conformidades
Cliente del módulo de comprobantes fiscales digitales (JCS CFD)
Centralized vetting and records of Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs)
Inventory Forms
IGSuite is a web-ajax-based Integrated Groupware Suite
This application is intended to provide an overview of a site's own au
Java CMS that delivers smartphone simplicity on an enterprise scale
Transaction and Inventory Unified Manager - manage your e-business
Accounting, invoicing, inventory and payroll software for Linux
Company administration manager
Applications for use in Medicine
Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart
Document Management System and Content Management System
Great Open Source Plugins For iDempiere ERP Project
Park Auto is an application software fleet management.
hewies user interface - 3D scientific visualisation tool
Create a webapp from an existing database in 30 seconds - Java/Groovy
An open-source web-based self-service BI for analytical databases
NET4.5 Simple Application Builder + Reporting
Manage your Access MDB sales Database on LAN server with .NET client