The systemd system and service manager
Fast, Flexible & Free Software to scale your Business
Upload Actions Artifacts from your Workflow Runs
An open source alternative to Looker built using dbt
Python binding to the Apache Tika™ REST services
Database Replication, Filtered Synchronization, and Transformation
A DPA process-based application platform with a workflow engine
JobScheduler workload automation to execute jobs and workflows
Enterprise project management replacement for Project Server
OpenZ - Warenwirtschaft, ERP, CRM & mehr
The Free & Popular Snipe-IT Web Software in a Complete Virtual Machine
New Product Development, Projects and Quality management
Phiscal Backend Interface
Simple Reporting System
Vue.js based REST-ful CRUD application.
The ctiSVR is a CTI server for IVR system and front-end applications
An open source search engine with RESTFul API and crawlers
Open Source Enterprise Content Management ECM
The bcmsSVR can access real time and historical reports from Avaya CM
Outlook Plugin for storing emails to Alfresco
Simple messaging \ Workflow \ETL system on MySql and .NET
X2CRM - Workflow, Sales, Marketing, Workflow, Custom Apps, PHP, MySQL
SugarCRM/SuiteCRM Java REST Client
Leave Management - Overtime Extra Day off Employee Human Resource