An Easy to Edit HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT QUIZ - For Students & Teachers
Virtual Research Environment / On-line Bibliography Manager
show and edit eulumdat files
Web IDE in single HTML file
Manage, Publish and Share Ontologies, Taxonomies, Thesauri, Glossaries
The imaginary eight-bit machine
A tool for write student evaluations
Leadsheet notation with auto-generated playback, improvisation advice
Music score editor
Create, display and process 2D vectors in a 3D window.
This is a simple application to bookmark/tag file/folders/websites.
A simple vocabulary builder with Unicode support.
a tool to learn about Chinese (and Japanese) characters
argument map editor for analyzing and visualizing complex debates
Metatagging Editor for Learning Object Metadata (IEEE's LOM)
A free universal Braille Transcriber
Biblical Data-Research Tool