BASIC language interpreter (multiplatform)
The event based Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for Arduino
QJDicExample is an English <-> Japanese dictionary.
Modern C++ Tutorial: C++11/14/17/20 On the Fly
Peak and global efficiency of radiation source-detector equipment
Rockhurst High School Robotics Team
Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment
unpack WDOSX executables
Intérprete similar al lenguaje C en Español
A framework for implementing real-time control systems
Open-source automated grading of programming assignments
Solving argumentation problems in Dung's AFs
Library Date for GCC (C++)
Library Roman/Arabic for GCC (C++)
Collaborative collection of C++ best practices
This program translates text into morse code.
Weiterentwicklung meines Codes aus der Bachelorarbeit
Control Voltcraft Power Supply and Victor 86C Multimeter
Mini Version meiner Bachelorarbeit
random shakespeare word generator
Virtual Simulator for Dynamical Systems
The program enables to get performance of C/C++ program for any metric