A very efficient tutor.
Free & Open Community Edition Server in a Complete Virtual Machine
A Shell Script for Quizzing the whole class of students and log result
show and edit eulumdat files
Archive your personal history
Web IDE in single HTML file
Manage, Publish and Share Ontologies, Taxonomies, Thesauri, Glossaries
Flash Quiz TV (A quiz game for all family)
HTML schedule generator from list of events
Molecular structure navigator for Blind and Visually Impaired people
Open Source Online Bibliographic Data Management
ScoreDate is a software to learn music reading and ear training
A modeling tool for software engineers (OO)
Edit the OCR text layer of DjVu documents in a web browser
Formative evaluation platform
Quick and efficient online solution for academic statement management.
Quickly create, edit, and print guitar chord/scale fingering diagrams
Complete tool for constructing/manipulating languages in digital form
Store book snippets faster!
A Database Program To Keep Track of Members In a School Club