This tool can be used to create quickly the skeleton of a web site.
A tool to generate HTML-based slide shows.
Basic encode/decode, files comparison and protect sensitive data
Enumerate every point on a line
Library Date for GCC (C++)
Library Clock for GCC (C++)
Library Roman/Arabic for GCC (C++)
NSD graphical editor, for Java development and rev-engineering
GaRLiC=Gambas Raw Lines of Code, a Gambas2 code library for use in SMB
Quick column reference for Excel® VBA programming
This program translates text into morse code.
A technical report on convolution arithmetic in deep learning
Weiterentwicklung meines Codes aus der Bachelorarbeit
LIbrary Management Software for Windows.
Full featured editor for reading and manipulating MARC Records
Savsoft Quiz v3.0 is an open source php script to create quiz/exam
GUI application for editing database files.
Tiny education compiler that can compile itself
A modeling tool for software engineers (OO)
Control Voltcraft Power Supply and Victor 86C Multimeter
Simple user input to determine capacitor value.
Visualg versão (última de revisão 20/08/2015)