Repositório Digital de Políticas Institucionais
Enumerate every point on a line
Open Source "turn-key" institutional repository application
Annotation de Vidéo par la vidéo
EduSec is now available on Cloud with LMS integrated
LIbrary Management Software for Windows.
GeMarge: Logiciel de gestion d’émargement des Professeurs
Micla Gestión de Bibliotecas "Biblio Mx"
Open-source digital repository software
Classic & Modern Cryptography tools
Edit the OCR text layer of DjVu documents in a web browser
A LAMP Open-Source solution for Morphological Analysis of Newspapers
Simulador Educacional de Circuitos Digitales
Software para alfabetização e inclusão digital.
EspaBiblio 3.3 (Giordano Bruno) basado en OpenBiblio 7.1
Digital/Analog signals visualization tool
S-Match is a semantic matching framework.