Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage
UVA Arena is a utility application to practice problem solving.
Easy History – вчи історію легко.
TexToSpeech genera interpretaciones de texto a voz
Make a written verification on a computer and get immediatelly results
my Solar Projects using Arduino
Quaternion Viewer and Converter
Compute your mean and mps easily.
This is a small notemaking tool for scholars for organising notes
.NET Platform Architecture book (English, Chinese, Russian)
CRC algorithms, test code, libraries and tables
Fizik Dersi İçin Hazırlanılan Hacim Hesaplama Uygulaması
Mathematical expression parser and evaluator for .NET
A tool to create and simulate electronic exams. An open VCE alternativ
is a rich dictionary containing multiple computer-related terms
Most comprehensive Library of .Net UI controls for Delphi.
DIY Arduino Boards for IO using port expanders and I2C
SAW - Special Access to Windows - a programmable on-screen keyboard.
Focus and minimize distractions by hiding less important screen areas
Software para identificação de informações do computador.
Learn chemistry elements with sound effects & test yourself.