Service networking solution to connect applications across any cloud
Portable software for cloud, local, and portable USB drives
Comprehensive Hardware Analysis, Monitoring and Reporting for Windows
3D Without Boundaries
Agena is an interpreted procedural programming language.
JobScheduler workload automation to execute jobs and workflows
A Debian-based Linux/GNU/X distro with Wine
Simple Online Planning
SCADA HMI for substations, IoT and automation applications
GUI Application to Search and Count the Pure King James Bible
Financial Derivatives Calculator with 168+ Models (Options Calculator)
Free and Open Source Technical Analysis Charting Software
Zpaq compatible archiver for Win, Linux, Free/OpenBSD, Solaris, MacOS
Transfer disks and disk images between the Apple II and the real world
Convert PSID and RSID files into C64 executables
(X)BNF simple and clever translation grammar compiler
Calculation with Clifford algebras: C++ library and Python module
A Linux Distribution for Windows Users and Mac users
a 16-bit midi player for DOS
A GUI library for designing gauges, meters, oscilloscopes, plotters