Building modern, elegant and fast Swing applications
Domination is a game that is a bit like the board game Risk
A windowed/full-screen countdown timer.
Delphi Java - VRCalc++ OOSL (Script) and + (Binary Exec Distro)
HMeter: Customizable progress meter widget using Java Swing and 2D.
Jiddu Krishnamurti's Book of Life|Libro de la Vida
Delinux! A brazilian free operating system for everyday!
A GUI interface written "Around" LuaMacros
Simple app for calculating arrear pension amount of a given period.
Question_Tags is a question tags generator.
Simulate your IO with the Arduino Simulator
Quick access to the files you need most
PDFsam Basic est notre application de source gratuite et ouverte pour
This application will generate random password for you
Quickly access to your favorites applications.
Library to change Android launcher App Icon and App Name
To create/build/make/produce database application in USB drive.
A JavaFX library to repaint your Applications window frame.
BrittScreenLocker is a app for windows to lock the keyboard / screen
Custom fonts in Android
A minimal java desktop app with awesome UI based on Swing to drag and