Backup single or multiple database tables with ease
nuBuilder Forte is a cloud database builder.
PHP data framework for Mysql
Build a powerful database applications following few steps using Sohag
Synchronous structure of Database Script
Version Control for your Database
Compile a school timetable. 2 versions: php/mysql and Java (new)
PHP/MySQL Based Faculty Evaluation System
Complete WAMP Server - PHP Apache MySQL for Windows.
Minimalist web-based SQL front-end for MySQL Database.
Lightweight DB programming API for PHP and multiple DB engine targets.
PHP Stock Inventory Management System - POS
ShelterOps - Animal and Wildlife data management software
open source medical device information system
Administration website for EPN
Free PHP script to backup and restore tables from MySQL database.
Synology DSM installable package for Baïkal CalDAV & CardDAV server
Create html5 forms form mysql table
Flexible database for storing object relations
Php classes for use with different databases.
Uniform Database Abstraction for PHP Development