Backup single or multiple database tables with ease
nuBuilder Forte is a cloud database builder.
PHP data framework for Mysql
Build a powerful database applications following few steps using Sohag
Synchronous structure of Database Script
Version Control for your Database
Compile a school timetable. 2 versions: php/mysql and Java (new)
PHP/MySQL Based Faculty Evaluation System
Complete WAMP Server - PHP Apache MySQL for Windows.
Minimalist web-based SQL front-end for MySQL Database.
Lightweight DB programming API for PHP and multiple DB engine targets.
PHP Stock Inventory Management System - POS
ShelterOps - Animal and Wildlife data management software
open source medical device information system
Administration website for EPN
Synology DSM installable package for Baïkal CalDAV & CardDAV server
Create html5 forms form mysql table
Flexible database for storing object relations
Php classes for use with different databases.
Uniform Database Abstraction for PHP Development