An interactive process viewer
A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries
Julia interface to GLFW, a multi-platform library for creating windows
Gramm is a complete data visualization toolbox for Matlab
Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
A sequence analysis tool for protein engineering
A portable SCADA/IoT platform centered on the MongoDB database server.
Bundle Adjustment Graph Visualisation
Software de clasificación automática con 6 heurísticas avanzadas.
ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids
Microsoft Integration, Azure, Power Platform, Office 365 and much more
iClassicMDM offered by ETS is a Master Data Platform for all.
Correlated confocal and SMLM data visualization and analysis
A tool for 3D genome structure visualization
The Excel add-in for creating LaTeX tables
An in-depth machine learning tutorial
In silico knockouts for signaling pathways
Collaborative Computing Project for NMR (CCPN)
Cerebrovascular Disease database
test head mounted display for Augmented Reality applications
Gestion Revit permite crear presupuestos desde un modelo BIM
Bioreactor control software for BioFlo® fermentors
PANorama: Panicle phenotyping for Oryza sativa