csv2odf can convert csv data to formatted spreadsheets and documents.
Multi platform library to read and write schedule data
C++ library for creating XLSX files for MS Excel 2007 and above.
A simple LaTeX {picture} drawing tool
Extracts plain text from a variety of different file types
Collection of several utilities to work with android backups
A C++ library for reading National Instruments TDMS files.
Java framework for SWIFT [tm] MT (FIN) messaging
X3D is the open-standard format for 3D graphics scenes on the Web.
Tuples (triples) for TRAK architecture viewpoints and views
A tool that extracts all frames from a folder with spritesheets
Image library for Object Pascal.
Another drawing editor for LaTeX with PSTricks & TikZ
Simple C++ XML processing
eXist-db is a feature rich Open Source native XML database
Create C structures from USB HID Report Descriptors
Biblatex support for GOST bibliography style
Change encoding of text files.
XML Schema for questionnaires and PDF questionnaire generator
Parse and decode METAR, TAF, SYNOP, BUOY, AMDAR and write data as XML
An editor for structured documents