My builds of Google's Chromium OS
Biblical Data-Research Tool
Woas is a complete wiki in a single HTML file, forked from stickwiki.
Console remake of old "Lunolet" game.
XML Mill is a GUI based XML editor with a memory.
PAK is a collection of library code to handle the overhead of coding
A chess game written is turbo pascal
returns the length of user supplied strings
Create movies for 3D RGB LED Cubes
extract unique file sets from sets with duplicates
A simple C++ socket library used to make socket programming tolerable.
Rough internet speed testing tool (CLI)
Yet Another Chess ENgine
The research of an ability to port Liferay to Virgo
Python 2D Vector libraries for Pygame
Chat inside a LAN (subnet).
PetriNetExec a library for embedding Petri Nets into Java applications
A (very) shitty OpenGL remake of MS-Paint
Digital Image Manager and Batch Image Processor
A tiling blogs cms