A powerful network security tool, easy, safe and totally free.
Floor-level factory/shop automatization control software
Universal CORBA architecture, split your software
The virtual serial port driver for Windows.
Run Linux on Windows or other OSes, natively.
C++ cross plattform functional block programming
Turns the BeagleBone Black into a Nintendo-based retrogaming console.
OSE RTOS host simulator (windows and Linux/POSIX)
Linear algebra and solver library using CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenMP
Buildroot Linux distribution for ADI Blackfin and future processors.
Another Real Time Kernel for Arduino
Portable Framework for the Parallel Execution of Short Read Aligners
Machine learning with Gaussian kernels.
A KDE Control Module for configuring the GRUB2 bootloader.
C++ RTOS for my mustang ECU project
WeatherMonitoringStation monitors environmental data