Real Time Slideshow Crypto Price Ticker For Raspberry Pi LCD Screens
GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt
Edit your PDFs without needing a subscription or creating accounts
Run, compile and execute JavaScript for Scientific Computing
OpenGrADS provides extensions and interfaces for GrADS.
Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting
PHP class for PDF
A shortkeys manager written in java
Vim support for Julia.
Create a dashboard with python!
A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
:wrench: Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis
UNIX Performance Monitoring / Trend Analysis Java Software
An easy to use and lightweight CAD model data management tool.
An intuitive molecular editor and visualization tool
Free macro creation tool
Rpn calculator, string and macro based
Command-line calculator of basic statistics.
q: integrated platform for pipeline configuration and management
Simple and Powerful Latex Editor
Tag based file manager CLI
Package to allow the use of notational elements in LaTeX documents
Tool created to aggregate commands to disparate ETL tools
Inkscape extension to add and edit GNUplot graphs