Text-based user interface to query data on Oracle DB in a smart way
Open Source Monitoring System for performance and availability.
The most affordable CRM system according to Capterra
AGENCY is a Free Software Data System by and for Nonprofits and others
World's first open source data quality & data preparation project
Design, automate, operate and publish data pipelines at scale
CrNiCKL (chronicle) is a Java database for time series
Data quality analysis, profiling, cleansing, duplicate detection +more
Building High Quality ERP and Accounting Software for SMB & SME
Hippo CMS is a Java based, Open Source Web Content Management platform
automate Informatica control file creation
sparse and dense matrix, linear algebra, visualization, big data
DMS for linux, C++ library, server, webUI , SOAP
giServer the easy to use and extensible batch and integration server
Symbiose, a free and flexible webos.
RMS is created in Java and still not completed, still working on it.
Reporting tool library for qt4
LAMP-based Project Management System
ChronoDB is a data manager for generic time series.