A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Open source framework for building truly native mobile apps
Build your personal knowledge base
Build massively scalable soft real-time systems
Toolkit for making machine learning and data analysis applications
Make any web page a desktop application
The systemd system and service manager
PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write web applications
Build cross platform desktop apps with ASP.NET Core
HTTP router and URL matcher for building Go web servers
Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser
A modern cmake starter project for C++ with a complete build lifecycle
Build and deploy Go applications on Kubernetes
A distributed OS built for the Cloud
Rapid applications development tool and libraries for FPC
A software construction tool
CI maintained precompiled GCC ARM/ARM64 Toolchains for Raspberry Pi
Debian 12 OnlyShell tty0 Libera Edition i386 K3
build linux from termcap to GTK-4.7 100% non-stop
Prepend a copyright/license declaration to many files at once.
Triton is a dynamic binary analysis library
Native Linux App for UI and UX Design built in Vala and GTK
compiler manifest wrapper - adds manifest to your exe's if applicable