Provides access to GNAT compiler internals for AdaCore utilities
Build windows executable from Python file. Easily compiler your Python
Visual Studio .vc[x]proj to CMakeLists.txt (make, Ninja ...) enabler
See Elfsetup. This project will close.
LFS that builds GNU/Linux %100 NON-STOP from GNU C 4.4 - Firefox-20.0
Cocos2d for iOS and OS X, built using Objective-C
Electronic design and programming tools suite like Eagle, MpLab
Kernel Build
ElRey for create an .app package from python
On GitHub now!
The fast lexer generator for Java
XMLUnit provides assertions that help testing code that produces XML.
Building .tgz and .pkg software packages for Mac OS X.
a very fast full system simulator
A Linux live DVD with tools for develop web sites