Lightweight Multigene Analyses in PAML
datasw, a tool for rapid processing of HPLC-SAXS data.
Parallel tool to remove duplicate DNA reads
Cancer driver prediction via integrative omics
A spectral method for inferring selection from time series data
Turku Event Extraction System
Computational Suite for Bioinformaticians and Biologists
RNA-Seq based gene prediction pipeline for fungal genomes
multiple alignment algorithm for protein sequences
Parallel tool to construct gene co-expression networks
Parallel pairwise correlation computation on Intel Xeon Phi clusters
Hybrid Illumina/PacBio assembly of Plasmodium falciparum var genes
Semi-automatic neurite tracing with tera-bytes of imaging data.
Exhaustive search for third order epistatic interactions using CUDA
Protein Kinase Identification and Classification
Comparative analysis of haploid next-generation genome sequence data
Binner for assembled metagenomes
Hierarchical data browser
genome assembler finisher, gap, gap close, sort contig