Astrophotography image capture, session sequencer / PHD2 interface
Gigapixel GPU accelerated radio interferometric imager
*nix Sidereal Clock
Collection of embedded softwares to control a telescope mount.
Fortran library to compute positions of celestial bodies
A library containing Some Useful Fortran Routines
BoPlanets shows planets relatively to an observing planet.
SHGs like Sol'Ex captured SER videos processing
GPU/MIC accelerated radio interferometric calibration program
A desktop weather app powered by AI
Command-line tools for astronomy and astrophysics
A gravitational-wave parameter-estimation code for LIGO/Virgo
A Re-implementation of Newcomb's Theory of the Sun
Analyse output from MCMC codes like SPINspiral and lalinference_mcmc
A set of small utils for BTA
RFI detector and quality analysis for astronomical radio observations
A scientific plotting library for C/Fortran built on cairo