Open-Source Phishing Framework
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server implements multiple spam filters
Anti Spam SMTP Gateway
Google Apps Script to send third party recruiter email to spam
CIDRAM: Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager.
Remote anti spam utility
Anti Spam AddIn / Plugin for Outlook
Unsubscirbes from newsletters, mailing lists and so on.
An easy-to-use anti-spam email gateway
Perhaps the smallest system-wide Adblocker ever!
An InApp and Browser Adblocker based on hosts file blacklists
Hostsfile updater that pulls an updated hostfile from an online source
Block or allow connections by country address blocks
shortcut virus remove and USB files rebuilds
Virtual Appliance of RadicalSpam
Open Source Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus Gateway
Realtime Anti-Phishing Training Online Resource
A simple PHP-AJAX captcha application
A program that detects and blocks phishing, pharming, Hacker's C&C.