A charting and data visualization library for Unity
CFDTool - Easy to Use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox
2D Heat Numerical Heat Transfer Solver
Arduino Temperature Controller
MPI Numerical Solving of the 3D Heat equation
A C Program code to solve for Heat conduction in 3D Cartesian grid.
MPI based Parallelized C Program code to solve for 3D heat advection.
Parallel finite element analysis
MPI based Parallelized C Program code to solve for 3D heat conduction.
Class collection to develop new technologies (nano-t)
A C Program code to solve for Heat convection in 3D Cartesian grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat advection in 3D Cartesian grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat advection in 2D Cartesian grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat convection in 2D Cartesian grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat diffusion in 3D Axi-symmetric grid.
A C Program code to solve for Heat diffusion in 2D Axi-symmetric grid.
MPI based Parallelized C Program code to solve for 2D heat advection.
Randomized Algorithms Library